StyleCop Properties

TFS Build Extensions

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The StyleCop type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAdditionalAddInPaths
Set the location of any custom addins
Public propertyCacheResults
Sets a value indicating whether StyleCop should write cache files to disk after performing an analysis. Default is false.
Public propertyForceFullAnalysis
Sets a value indicating whether StyleCop should ignore cached results and perform a clean analysis.
Public propertyLogFile
Sets the text log file that list the violation
Public propertyMaximumViolationCount
Sets the maximum violation count before scanning is halted.
Public propertySettingsFile
Sets the path to the settings file that defines the rules
Public propertyShowOutput
Sets a value indicating whether to show names of files scanned to the build log
Public propertySourceFiles
Sets the source files path or list of specific files
Public propertySucceeded
Gets whether the scan succeeded.
Public propertyTreatViolationsErrorsAsWarnings
Set to true to treat all stylecop violations as warnings
Public propertyViolationCount
Gets the number of violations found.
Public propertyXmlOutputFile
Sets the name for the XML log file produced by the StyleCop runner

See Also