VirtualPCAction Enumeration

TFS Build Extensions

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Possible action for the activity

Namespace: TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.Virtualization
Assembly: TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.VirtualPC (in TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.VirtualPC.dll) Version: (


Member nameValueDescription
AddHardDiskConnection0 Add a VHD
DiscardSavedState1 Discard the save state
DiscardUndoDisks2 Discard the undo disks
IsHeartBeating3 Checks of the VM is runnng
IsScreenLocked4 Checks if the VM is locked
List5 Lists the VMs on host
LogOff6 Logs of the guest OS
MergeUndoDisks7 Merges the undo disks
Pause8 Pauses the VM
RemoveHardDiskConnection9 Removed a VHD
Reset10 Resets the VM
Restart11 Retarts the VM
Resume12 Resumes a paused VM
Save13 Saves the state of VM
Shutdown14 Shuts down the guest OS
Startup15 Starts a VM
TakeScreenshot16 Takes a BMP screenshot
Turnoff17 Turns off the VM
WaitForLowCpuUtilization18 Pauses execution unitl the CPU is at the given level
RunScript19 Runs a series of commands on te guest OS

See Also