BaseRemoteCodeActivity Members

TFS Build Extensions

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The BaseRemoteCodeActivity type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAuthenticationLevel
Sets the authentication level to be used to connect to WMI. Default is Default. Also supports: Call, Connect, None, Packet, PacketIntegrity, PacketPrivacy, Unchanged
Public propertyAuthority
Sets the authority to be used to authenticate the specified user.
Public propertyFailBuildOnError
Set to true to fail the build if the activity logs any errors. Default is false
Public propertyIgnoreExceptions
Set to true to ignore any unhandled exceptions thrown by activities. Default is false
Public propertyLogExceptionStack
Set to true to log the entire stack in the event of an exception. Default is false
Public propertyMachineName
Sets the MachineName. Defaults to Environment.MachineName
Public propertyTreatWarningsAsErrors
Set to true to fail the build if the activity logs any errors. Default is false
Public propertyUserName
Sets the UserName
Public propertyUserPassword
Sets the UserPassword.

See Also