Module Overview
One important change in Spybot is that the functionality is much more modularized. This has a lot of advantages, including:
- Resources: you do not need everything Spybot offers all at the same time. By loading only those parts you need when you need them, Spybot can run faster while it uses less system memory.
- Speed: the application will simply show much faster.
- Interaction: a challenge is to present it to the user in a way that is not affecting his ease of use; on the contrary, it should help him getting things done by presenting only what he currently needs, at the same time allowing him to easily go to another part.
- Updates & Maintenance: by having functionality separated, new functions or bug fixes mean that testing can concentrate on one module, and possibly those depending on it, but not on the full package, leading to faster and more stable updates.
- Scripting/Scheduling: if you want to automate things, you can restrict that to the modules that offer the functionality you want to script, without the need to load the full, slow loading old application all the time.