
SharpZip Compression Library

SharpZip Compression Library

ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
FastZip FastZip provides facilities for creating and extracting zip files. Only relative paths are supported.
FastZipEvents FastZipEvents supports all events applicable to FastZip operations.
KeysRequiredEventArgs Arguments used with KeysRequiredEvent
ZipConstants This class contains constants used for Zip format files
ZipEntry This class represents an entry in a zip archive. This can be a file or a directory ZipFile and ZipInputStream will give you instances of this class as information about the members in an archive. ZipOutputStream uses an instance of this class when creating an entry in a Zip file.

Author of the original java version : Jochen Hoenicke
ZipException Represents errors specific to Zip file handling
ZipFile This class represents a Zip archive. You can ask for the contained entries, or get an input stream for a file entry. The entry is automatically decompressed. This class is thread safe: You can open input streams for arbitrary entries in different threads.

Author of the original java version : Jochen Hoenicke
ZipInputStream This is an InflaterInputStream that reads the files baseInputStream an zip archive one after another. It has a special method to get the zip entry of the next file. The zip entry contains information about the file name size, compressed size, Crc, etc. It includes support for Stored and Deflated entries.

Author of the original java version : Jochen Hoenicke
ZipNameTransform ZipNameTransform transforms name as per the Zip file convention.
ZipOutputStream This is a DeflaterOutputStream that writes the files into a zip archive one after another. It has a special method to start a new zip entry. The zip entries contains information about the file name size, compressed size, CRC, etc. It includes support for Stored and Deflated entries. This class is not thread safe.

Author of the original java version : Jochen Hoenicke


Delegate Description
FastZip.ConfirmOverwriteDelegate Delegate called when confirming overwriting of files.
ZipFile.KeysRequiredEventHandler Delegate for handling keys/password setting during compresion/decompression.


Enumeration Description
CompressionMethod The kind of compression used for an entry in an archive
FastZip.Overwrite Defines the desired handling when overwriting files.