CENATT | Offset of internal file attributes in central file header |
CENATX | Offset of external file attributes in central file header |
CENCOM | Offset of file comment length in central file header |
CENCRC | Offset of crc-32 in central file header |
CENDIGITALSIG | Central header digitial signature |
CENDSK | Offset of disk start number in central file header |
CENEXT | Offset of extra field length in central file header |
CENFLG | Offset of general purpose bit flag in central file header |
CENHDR | Size of central header entry |
CENHOW | Offset of compression method in central file header |
CENLEN | Offset of uncompressed size in central file header |
CENNAM | Offset of file name length in central file header |
CENOFF | Offset of relative offset of local header in central file header |
CENSIG | Signature for central header |
CENSIG64 | Signature for Zip64 central file header |
CENSIZ | Offset of compressed size in central file header |
CENTIM | Offset of time/date in central file header |
CENVEM | Offset of version made by in central file header |
CENVER | Offset of version needed to extract in central file header |
CRYPTO_HEADER_SIZE | Size of cryptographic header stored before entry data |
ENDCOM | Offset of ZIP file comment length |
ENDDCD | Offset of number of disk with start of central directory |
ENDHDR | Size of end of central record (excluding variable fields) |
ENDNRD | Offset of number of this disk |
ENDOFF | Offset of offset of start of central directory with respect to starting disk number |
ENDSIG | End of central directory record signature |
ENDSIZ | Offset of size of central directory |
ENDSUB | Offset of number of entries in the central directory of this disk |
ENDTOT | Offset of total number of entries in the central directory |
EXTCRC | Offset of crc-32 in data descriptor |
EXTHDR | Size of data descriptor |
EXTLEN | Offset of uncompressed length in data descriptor |
EXTSIG | Signature for data descriptor |
EXTSIZ | Offset of compressed size in data descriptor |
LOCCRC | Offset of crc-32 in local entry header |
LOCEXT | Offset of extra field length in local entry header |
LOCFLG | Offset of general purpose flags in local entry header |
LOCHDR | Size of local entry header (excluding variable length fields at end) |
LOCHOW | Offset of compression method in local entry header |
LOCLEN | Offset of uncompressed size in local entry header |
LOCNAM | Offset of file name length in local entry header |
LOCSIG | Signature for local entry header |
LOCSIZ | Offset of compressed size in local entry header |
LOCTIM | Offset of last mod file time + date in local entry header |
LOCVER | Offset of version to extract in local entry header |
SPANNINGSIG | Signature for spanning entry |
SPANTEMPSIG | Signature for temporary spanning entry |
VERSION_MADE_BY | The version made by field for entries in the central header when created by this library |
VERSION_STRONG_ENCRYPTION | The minimum version required to support strong encryption |