ZipConstants Fields

SharpZip Compression Library

SharpZip Compression Library

ZipConstants Fields

The fields of the ZipConstants class are listed below. For a complete list of ZipConstants class members, see the ZipConstants Members topic.

Public Static Fields

CENATT Offset of internal file attributes in central file header
CENATX Offset of external file attributes in central file header
CENCOM Offset of file comment length in central file header
CENCRC Offset of crc-32 in central file header
CENDIGITALSIG Central header digitial signature
CENDSK Offset of disk start number in central file header
CENEXT Offset of extra field length in central file header
CENFLG Offset of general purpose bit flag in central file header
CENHDR Size of central header entry
CENHOW Offset of compression method in central file header
CENLEN Offset of uncompressed size in central file header
CENNAM Offset of file name length in central file header
CENOFF Offset of relative offset of local header in central file header
CENSIG Signature for central header
CENSIG64 Signature for Zip64 central file header
CENSIZ Offset of compressed size in central file header
CENTIM Offset of time/date in central file header
CENVEM Offset of version made by in central file header
CENVER Offset of version needed to extract in central file header
CRYPTO_HEADER_SIZE Size of cryptographic header stored before entry data
ENDCOM Offset of ZIP file comment length
ENDDCD Offset of number of disk with start of central directory
ENDHDR Size of end of central record (excluding variable fields)
ENDNRD Offset of number of this disk
ENDOFF Offset of offset of start of central directory with respect to starting disk number
ENDSIG End of central directory record signature
ENDSIZ Offset of size of central directory
ENDSUB Offset of number of entries in the central directory of this disk
ENDTOT Offset of total number of entries in the central directory
EXTCRC Offset of crc-32 in data descriptor
EXTHDR Size of data descriptor
EXTLEN Offset of uncompressed length in data descriptor
EXTSIG Signature for data descriptor
EXTSIZ Offset of compressed size in data descriptor
LOCCRC Offset of crc-32 in local entry header
LOCEXT Offset of extra field length in local entry header
LOCFLG Offset of general purpose flags in local entry header
LOCHDR Size of local entry header (excluding variable length fields at end)
LOCHOW Offset of compression method in local entry header
LOCLEN Offset of uncompressed size in local entry header
LOCNAM Offset of file name length in local entry header
LOCSIG Signature for local entry header
LOCSIZ Offset of compressed size in local entry header
LOCTIM Offset of last mod file time + date in local entry header
LOCVER Offset of version to extract in local entry header
SPANNINGSIG Signature for spanning entry
SPANTEMPSIG Signature for temporary spanning entry
VERSION_MADE_BY The version made by field for entries in the central header when created by this library
VERSION_STRONG_ENCRYPTION The minimum version required to support strong encryption

See Also

ZipConstants Class | ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip Namespace