TarInputStream Properties

SharpZip Compression Library

SharpZip Compression Library

TarInputStream Properties

The properties of the TarInputStream class are listed below. For a complete list of TarInputStream class members, see the TarInputStream Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

Available Get the available data that can be read from the current entry in the archive. This does not indicate how much data is left in the entire archive, only in the current entry. This value is determined from the entry's size header field and the amount of data already read from the current entry.
CanRead Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading
CanSeek Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking This property always returns false.
CanWrite Gets a value indicating if the stream supports writing. This property always returns false.
IsMarkSupported Since we do not support marking just yet, we return false.
Length The length in bytes of the stream
Position Gets or sets the position within the stream. Setting the Position is not supported and throws a NotSupportedExceptionNotSupportedException

See Also

TarInputStream Class | ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar Namespace