Appendix D: PuTTY hacking guide
This appendix lists a selection of the design principles applying to the PuTTY source code. If you are planning to send code contributions, you should read this first.
- D.1 Cross-OS portability
- D.2 Multiple backends treated equally
- D.3 Multiple sessions per process on some platforms
- D.4 C, not C++
- D.5 Security-conscious coding
- D.6 Independence of specific compiler
- D.7 Small code size
- D.8 Single-threaded code
- D.9 Keystrokes sent to the server wherever possible
- D.10 640×480 friendliness in configuration panels
- D.11 Automatically generated
s - D.12 Coroutines in
- D.13 Single compilation of each source file
- D.14 Do as we say, not as we do