Single compilation of each source file


D.13 Single compilation of each source file

The PuTTY build system for any given platform works on the following very simple model:

  • Each source file is compiled precisely once, to produce a single object file.
  • Each binary is created by linking together some combination of those object files.

Therefore, if you need to introduce functionality to a particular module which is only available in some of the tool binaries (for example, a cryptographic proxy authentication mechanism which needs to be left out of PuTTYtel to maintain its usability in crypto-hostile jurisdictions), the wrong way to do it is by adding #ifdefs in (say) proxy.c. This would require separate compilation of proxy.c for PuTTY and PuTTYtel, which means that the entire Makefile-generation architecture (see section D.11) would have to be significantly redesigned. Unless you are prepared to do that redesign yourself, and guarantee that it will still port to any future platforms we might decide to run on, you should not attempt this!

The right way to introduce a feature like this is to put the new code in a separate source file, and (if necessary) introduce a second new source file defining the same set of functions, but defining them as stubs which don't provide the feature. Then the module whose behaviour needs to vary (proxy.c in this example) can call the functions defined in these two modules, and it will either provide the new feature or not provide it according to which of your new modules it is linked with.

Of course, object files are never shared between platforms; so it is allowable to use #ifdef to select between platforms. This happens in puttyps.h (choosing which of the platform-specific include files to use), and also in misc.c (the Windows-specific ‘Minefield’ memory diagnostic system). It should be used sparingly, though, if at all.