


PotterDraw's main view shows the pot in 3D. The view is read-only. To change the pot, edit its spline or other properties.

To rotate the pot, left-click and drag the cursor while keeping the left mouse button pressed. The cursor affects pitch and yaw, i.e. rotation around the x and y axes. To roll, i.e. to rotate the pot around the z-axis, also press the Shift key and drag the cursor horizontally.

To zoom in or out, position the cursor at the desired location and spin the mouse wheel. The Ctrl+= and Ctrl+- shortcuts also work, and Ctrl+0 resets the zoom.

To pan the view, press the middle mouse button and drag the cursor while keeping the middle mouse button pressed.

The view supports various render styles.

By default PotterDraw uses tabbed MDI. If you prefer the classic non-tabbed MDI look, you can enable it via the Tabs command.