Options Summary


Options Summary

ViewZoom StepZoom step size, as a percentage
Pan StepPanning step size, in view coordinates
Drag Rotate StepDrag rotation step size, in degrees per pixel
ExportUse Vertex ColorIf true, PLY export uses vertex color instead of texture map
Use Custom Image SizeIf true, image export uses custom size instead of view size
Custom Image WidthWidth of exported image if using custom size, in pixels
Custom Image HeightHeight of exported image if using custom size, in pixels
Floating-Point PrecisionNumber of digits after decimal point for OBJ export
OscilloscopePlot All ModulationsIf true, show all modulations in oscilloscope bar
SplineZoom StepSpline zoom step size, as a percentage
Show Spline Drag in ViewContinuously update 3D view while spline is being dragged
GeneralShow Property DescriptionsIf true, show descriptions area in properties bar
Automatically check for updatesAutomatically check for newer version of app during startup