


The palette lets you choose the colors used for texture synthesis. To show the Palette bar, use View/Toolbars and Docking Windows/Palette. The palette bar has two components: a color picker on top, and underneath it a color bar, containing a row of square color swatches, one for each color in the palette. Note that if the pot's texture is a user-specified image file, changing the palette has no effect.

Editing a color

One of the swatches in the color bar has a highlight around it. This highlight indicates which of your palette's colors is displayed and editable in the color picker. To change the selected color, left-click a different color swatch. You can also use the arrow keys to scroll through the color swatches.

To edit a color, first select it the color bar as explained above. Then use the color picker to change its value as desired, and press the Apply button to save your change and update the view. The color picker has two pages, Standard and Custom, which are explained below.

Standard color picker

The Standard color picker limits you to the colors displayed on its hexagonal tiles. If one of these colors is acceptable, simply left-click it and press Apply. Pressing the Enter key is equivalent to pressing Apply. You can also double-click one of the hexagonal tiles, which picks the color and applies the change immediately, in which case there's no need to press the Apply button.

Custom color picker

The Custom color picker lets you pick any color, by adjusting the hue/saturation and lightness positions, or by entering numeric HLS or RGB values. The new and current colors are displayed on the right, below the buttons. When the new color is changed as desired, be sure to press Apply to save your change. Pressing the Enter key is equivalent to pressing Apply.

Palette editing commands

The palette can be reordered by dragging the color bar's swatches. You can also copy, cut and paste individual swatches using the standard Windows editing keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, and Ctrl+V, or via the color bar's context menu. Use the Insert key to insert a swatch, or the Delete key to delete a swatch.