


The oscilloscope helps you to visualize your modulations. It displays a plot of the currently selected property, including the effect of the property's modulation if any. The plot is continuously updated during animation. The plot's vertical axis corresponds to vertical position on the pot, from bottom to top. The horizontal axis is automatically scaled to fit the range of property values. To show the Oscilloscope bar, use View/Toolbars and Docking Windows/Oscilloscope.

The oscilloscope can optionally display all modulated properties at once, so that you can see how your modulations interact with each other. This is particularly useful when animating multiple properties. To enable this feature, set Plot All Modulations to true in the Options dialog. The currently selected property is also shown, even if it isn't modulated. Note that if your modulations cover very different ranges, you may need to zoom or pan the plot to see the smaller ranges clearly; see below.

The oscilloscope window supports zooming (via mouse wheel) and panning (via left-click and drag). To zoom, left-click in the oscilloscope window to ensure it has focus, position the cursor at the desired location, and then spin the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. To pan, left-click in the oscilloscope window and while holding down the left mouse button, move the cursor left or right to scroll the plot.