PBCallInfo structure

PowerBuilder Native Interface

PBCallInfo structure

The PBCallInfo structure is used to hold data and return type information for calls between extensions and the PBVM. It has three public members:

IPB_Arguments*   pArgs;
IPB_Value*           returnValue;
pbclass                   returnClass;

The following code initializes a PBCallInfo structure using the IPB_Session InitCallInfo method. After allocating a PBCallInfo structure called ci, the IPB_Session GetClass and GetMethodID methods are used to get the class and method ID of the current method. Then, these parameters are used to initialize the ci structure:

pbclass cls;
pbmethodID mid;
PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo;

cls = Session -> GetClass(myobj);
mid = Session -> GetMethodID(cls, "myfunc",

Session -> InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci);

When you have finished using a PBCallInfo structure, you must call FreeCallInfo to release the allocated memory:

Session -> FreeCallInfo(ci);
delete ci;

The IPB_Arguments and IPB_Value interfaces have methods that enable you to pass values between the PBVM and PowerBuilder extension modules using PBCallInfo to hold the data.