
PowerBuilder Native Interface

IPB_Session interface:

Get<type>ArrayItem method


Obtains the value of an array item of a specified type.


GetBlobArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetBoolArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetByteArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetCharArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetDateArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetDateTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetDecArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetDoubleArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetIntArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull) 
GetLongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetLongLongArrayItem (pbarray array, pblonglong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull) 
GetObjectArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetRealArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetStringArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetUintArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 
GetUlongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean& IsNull ) 




A valid pbarray structure


The dimension of the array item to be obtained


Indicates whether the array item is null

Return Values

The value of the array item.


This example gets the value of an array item of type pbobject:

pbobject      pPBObject = NULL;
pbboolean     bIsNull = 0;
pblong        dim[1];

dim[0] = pbl + 1;
pPBObject = session->GetObjectArrayItem(array, dim,

See Also