IPB_Session interface:
CreateResultSet method
Creates a result set object using a pointer to an IPB_ResultSetAccessor object.
CreateResultSet (IPB_ResultSetAccessor* rs)
Argument |
Description |
rs |
A pointer to an IPB_ResultSetAccessor object |
Return Values
This example loads the PBVM and calls the f_ret and f_in functions in the custom class user object n_rs in the PBL pbrs.pbl. The PowerScript for the functions is shown after the C++ code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "pbni.h"
#include "vector"
using std::vector;
void main(int argc, char* argv[])
HINSTANCE hinst = LoadLibrary("pbvm125.dll");
typedef PBXRESULT (*P_PB_GetVM)(IPB_VM** vm);
P_PB_GetVM getvm = (P_PB_GetVM)GetProcAddress(hinst,
IPB_VM* pbvm;
IPB_Session* session = NULL;
vector<LPCSTR> ll(1);
ll[0] = "pbrs.pbl";
pbvm->CreateSession("pbrs", &ll[0], 1, &session);
pbgroup group = session->FindGroup("n_rs",
if (group == NULL) return;
pbclass cls = session->FindClass(group, "n_rs");
if (cls == NULL) return;
pbobject obj = session->NewObject(cls);
if (obj == NULL) return;
pbmethodID mid = session->GetMethodID(cls, "f_ret",
PBRT_FUNCTION, "Cresultset.");
PBCallInfo ci;
session->InitCallInfo(cls, mid, &ci);
session->InvokeObjectFunction(obj, mid, &ci);
// Use the result set returned from f_ret to
// create an IPB_ResultSetAccessor rsa
pbobject rs = ci.returnValue->GetObject();
IPB_ResultSetAccessor* rsa =
// Create a result set object from rsa
pbobject rsobj = session->CreateResultSet(rsa);
// Call the f_in method
mid = session->GetMethodID(cls, "f_in",
PBRT_FUNCTION, "IRCresultset.");
PBCallInfo ci1;
session->InitCallInfo(cls, mid, &ci1);
// Set the result set object rsobj as the
// argument for f_in
session->InvokeObjectFunction(obj, mid, &ci1);
f_ret retrieves data from a database into a DataStore and generates a result set:
ResultSet rs
DataStore ds
Long sts
Integer li_ret
// Profile EAS Demo DB V125
SQLCA.AutoCommit = False
SQLCA.DBParm = &
"ConnectString='DSN=EAS Demo DB V125;UID=dba;PWD=sql'"
connect using sqlca;
ds = Create DataStore
ds.DataObject = ""
ds.DataObject = "d_rs"
long ll_ret, rows, rows2
ll_ret = ds.Retrieve()
ll_ret = w_main.dw_1.Retrieve()
rows = ds.RowCount()
rows2 = w_main.dw_1.RowCount()
messagebox("info from f_ret", " row count is " &
+ string(rows) + " or " + string(rows2))
sts = ds.GenerateResultSet(rs)
Return rs
f_in takes a result set, rs, as an argument and uses it to create a DataStore:
DataStore ds
Int cnt, li_ret
ds = Create DataStore
cnt = ds.RowCount()
messagebox("info from f_in", "row count is " + string(cnt))
Return cnt
To use the IPB_ResultSetAccessor interface, load the PBVM, obtain a result set from a PowerBuilder application, and call GetResultSetAccessor on this result set to get an IPB_ResultSetAccessor interface object. You can then call the methods of this object to get information about the result set. You can also call CreateResultSet using this object as an argument to create a result set that you can return to PowerBuilder.
When you call CreateResultSet, the AddRef function of the IPB_ResultSetAccessor interface is called on the rs argument implicitly to add a reference to the interface pointer.