IPB_Value interface:
Set<type> method
Set of datatype-specific methods that set the value of the IPB_Value instance.
SetArray ( pbarray array )
SetBlob( pbblob blob )
SetBool ( pbboolean boolean )
SetByte ( pbbyte byte )
SetChar ( pbchar char )
SetDate ( pbdate date )
SetDateTime( pbdatetime datetime )
SetDecimal ( pbdecimal dec)
SetDouble ( pbdouble double)
SetInt ( pbint int )
SetLong( pblong long )
SetLongLong( pblonglong longlong )
SetObject ( pbobject object )
SetPBString ( pbstring string)
SetReal( pbreal real )
SetString ( LPCTSTR string)
SetTime( pbtime time )
SetUint( pbuint uint )
SetUlong ( pbulong ulong )
Return Values
This example uses the IPB_Value SetPBString method to set values in PBCallInfo. It also uses the IPB_Session SetString method to set the ret_val string to the return value in the PBCallInfo structure:
pbclass cls;
pbmethodID mid;
PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo;
pbstring ret_val;
cls= Session -> GetClass(myobj);
if (isAny)
mid=Session-> GetMethodID(cls, "uf_any_byvalue",
mid=Session-> GetMethodID(cls, "uf_string_byvalue",
Session-> InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci);
// Call IPB_Value SetPBString method
ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(0) -> SetPBString(s_low);
ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(1) -> SetPBString(s_mid);
ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(2) -> SetPBString(s_high);
pStr = Session -> GetString(s_null);
if (pStr != 0)
if (strcmp(pStr, "null") == 0 )
ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(3) -> SetToNull();
ci-> pArgs -> GetAt(3) -> SetPBString(s_null);
Session -> InvokeObjectFunction(myobj, mid, ci);
ret_val = Session -> NewString("");
// Call IPB_Session SetString method
Session -> SetString(ret_val, Session->GetString
Session -> FreeCallInfo(ci);
delete ci;
return ret_val;
These methods automatically set the value of IPB_Value to not null and return an error if the datatype to be set does not match the existing datatype. The error code is PBX_E_MISMATCHED_DATA_TYPE. If the value is a read-only argument, it returns the error PBX_E_READONLY_ARGS. If the datatype is string or blob, a deep copy is performed. The existing value is destroyed first, and then the contents of the argument are copied into a new value.