
PowerBuilder Native Interface

IPB_Session interface:

Add<type>Argument method


Adds an argument of a specific type in a variable argument PowerBuilder call.


AddArrayArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbblob value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddBlobArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbblob value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddBoolArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbboolean value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddByteArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbbyte value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddCharArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbchar value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddDateArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdate value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddDateTimeArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdatetime value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddDecArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdec value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddDoubleArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbdouble value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddIntArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbint value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddLongArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pblong value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddLongLongArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pblonglong value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddObjectArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbobject value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddPBStringArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbstring value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddRealArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbreal value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddStringArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, LPCTSTR value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddTimeArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbtime value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddUintArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbuint value, pbboolean IsNull ) 
AddUlongArgument ( PBCallInfo *ci, pbulong value, pbboolean IsNull ) 




The PBCallInfo to which the argument is to be added.


The value to be added to the arguments array.


Indicates whether the argument is null. The default is false.

Return Values

PBXRESULT. PBX_OK on success.


This code tests that adding an integer argument to a PBCallInfo structure ci works correctly:

long Cmy_pbni:: f_Retrieve(IPB_Session* session, pbint retrieve_args, pbobject dwobj)
   pbclass cls;
   pbmethodID mid;
   PBCallInfo* ci = new PBCallInfo;
   pblong ret_val;

   cls = session-> GetClass(dwobj);
   mid = session-> GetMethodID
      (cls, "retrieve", PBRT_FUNCTION, "LAV");
   if (mid == kUndefinedMethodID)
      return -1;

   session-> InitCallInfo(cls, mid, ci);

   ci-> pArgs-> GetAt(0)-> SetInt(retrieve_args);
   session-> AddIntArgument(ci, retrieve_args, false);

   ret = session->InvokeObjectFunction(dwobj, mid, ci);
   if (ret!= PBX_OK)
      ret_val= ret;
      ret_val= ci-> returnValue-> GetLong();

   session-> FreeCallInfo(ci);
   delete ci;

   return ret_val;


This call is used in variable argument PowerBuilder calls, such as datawindow.retrieve(arg). After the call, the value returned by ci->pArgs->GetCount() increases by one.

See Also