
PowerBuilder Native Interface

IPB_Session interface:

Set<type>ArrayItem method


Assigns a value to an array item of a specific type.


SetBlobArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbblob value ) 
SetBoolArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbboolean value ) 
SetByteArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbbyte value ) 
SetCharArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbchar value ) 
SetDateArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdate value ) 
SetDateTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdatetime value ) 
SetDecArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdec value ) 
SetDoubleArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbdouble value ) 
SetIntArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbint value ) 
SetLongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pblong value ) 
SetLongLongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblonglong dim[ ], pblong value ) 
SetObjectArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbobject obj ) 
SetPBStringArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbstring value ) 
SetRealArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbreal value ) 
SetStringArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], LPCTSTR value ) 
SetTimeArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbtime value ) 
SetUintArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbuint value ) 
SetUlongArrayItem ( pbarray array, pblong dim[ ], pbulong value ) 




A valid pbarray handle.


A pblong array to hold indexes of each dimension. The number of dimensions must equal the number of dimensions of the array.


The new value of the array item.

Return Values

PBXRESULT. PBX_OK for success.

If the index exceeds the bounds of a bounded array, it returns PBX_E_ARRAY_INDEX_OUTOF_BOUNDS.

If the data passed in does not match the datatype of the array, it returns PBX_E_MISMATCHED_DATA_TYPE.


This example creates a new unbounded simple array. In the FOR loop, application-specific code (not shown here) gets array values, which are then added to the array using SetPBStringArrayItem:

pblong         dim[1];
char *         cstr;
pbuint   numDimensions = 1;
PBArrayInfo::ArrayBound bound;

bound.lowerBound = 1;
bound.upperBound = size;
d_pbarray = d_session->NewBoundedSimpleArray
    (pbvalue_string, numDimensions, &bound);

for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++ )
   dim[0] = i;   
   // add application-specific code here to
   // get array value
   pbstring pValue = d_session->NewString(cstr);
   d_session->SetPBStringArrayItem(d_pbarray, dim,

   delete [] cstr;


This method assigns the IPB_Value pointed to by the value argument to the array item in the same way that the IPB_Value Set<type> method sets a value.

See Also