APEX NvParameterized Schemas: DestructibleActorParam Struct Reference


DestructibleActorParam Struct Reference

Describes the NxParameterized::Interface for 'DestructibleActorParam' : More...

#include <params.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

String crumbleEmitterName
 'crumbleEmitterName' : The name of the NxMeshParticleSystem to use for crumbling
F32 crumbleParticleSpacing
 'crumbleParticleSpacing' : How far apart to space the particles when crumbling
String dustEmitterName
 'dustEmitterName' : The name of the NxMeshParticleSystem to use for fracture-line dust
F32 dustParticleSpacing
 'dustParticleSpacing' : How far apart to space the particles when creating dust particles
Mat34 globalPose
 'globalPose' : The initial pose where the destructible actor will be put into the scene
Vec3 scale
 'scale' : 3D Scale
Bool dynamic
 'dynamic' : Whether or not the destructible starts life as a dynamic actor
U32 supportDepth
 'supportDepth' : The chunk hierarchy depth at which to create a support graph.
Bool formExtendedStructures
 'formExtendedStructures' : If initially static, the destructible will become part of an extended support structure if it is in contact with another static destructible that also has this flag set.
Bool performDetailedOverlapTestForExtendedStructures
 'performDetailedOverlapTestForExtendedStructures' : When testing for chunk overlap with other destructibles, perform detailed collision test. Otherwise, just test AABBs.
Bool keepPreviousFrameBoneBuffer
 'keepPreviousFrameBoneBuffer' : If true, the skinned mesh will hold a bone buffer for the last frame
Bool doNotCreateRenderable
 'doNotCreateRenderable' : If true, a renderable will not be created for the destructible actor
Bool useAssetDefinedSupport
 'useAssetDefinedSupport' : If set, then chunks which are tagged as 'support' chunks
Bool useWorldSupport
 'useWorldSupport' : If set, then chunks which overlap the NxScene's static geometry will have environmental support
Bool renderStaticChunksSeparately
 'renderStaticChunksSeparately' : Whether or not to render static chunks in a separate mesh
Bool keepVisibleBonesPacked
 'keepVisibleBonesPacked' : Parameter passed into skinned ApexRenderMeshActor
Bool createChunkEvents
 'createChunkEvents' : Whether or not to create an event buffer for chunks
String overrideSkinnedMaterialNames[]
 'overrideSkinnedMaterialNames[]' : Per-actor material names, to override those in the asset, for skinned rendering
String overrideStaticMaterialNames[]
 'overrideStaticMaterialNames[]' : Per-actor material names, to override those in the asset, for static rendering
F32 sleepVelocityFrameDecayConstant
 'sleepVelocityFrameDecayConstant' : Frame memory decay constant used for actor velocity smoothing. Valid range: [1.0,infinity).
Bool useHardSleeping
 'useHardSleeping' : If true, turn chunk islands kinematic when they sleep.
F32 destructibleParameters.damageCap
 'destructibleParameters.damageCap' : Limits the amount of damage applied to a chunk.
F32 destructibleParameters.forceToDamage
 'destructibleParameters.forceToDamage' : Multiplier to calculate applied damage from an impact.
F32 destructibleParameters.impactVelocityThreshold
 'destructibleParameters.impactVelocityThreshold' : Large impact force may be reported if rigid bodies are spawned inside one another.
U32 destructibleParameters.minimumFractureDepth
 'destructibleParameters.minimumFractureDepth' : The chunks will not be broken free below this depth.
I32 destructibleParameters.impactDamageDefaultDepth
 'destructibleParameters.impactDamageDefaultDepth' : The default depth to which chunks will take impact damage.
I32 destructibleParameters.debrisDepth
 'destructibleParameters.debrisDepth' : The chunk hierarchy depth at which chunks are considered to be 'debris.'
U32 destructibleParameters.essentialDepth
 'destructibleParameters.essentialDepth' : The chunk hierarchy depth up to which chunks will always be processed
F32 destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMin
 'destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMin' : Minimum time to destroy debris
F32 destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMax
 'destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMax' : Maximum time to destroy debris
F32 destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMin
 'destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMin' : Minimum separation distance
F32 destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMax
 'destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMax' : Minimum separation distance
F32 destructibleParameters.debrisDestructionProbability
 'destructibleParameters.debrisDestructionProbability' : The probablity that a debris chunk, when fractured, will simply be destroyed
Bounds3 destructibleParameters.validBounds
 'destructibleParameters.validBounds' : valid bounding region for debris
F32 destructibleParameters.maxChunkSpeed
 'destructibleParameters.maxChunkSpeed' : Maximum speed of a chunk
Bool destructibleParameters.flags.ACCUMULATE_DAMAGE
 'destructibleParameters.flags.ACCUMULATE_DAMAGE' : Determines if chunks accumulate damage
Bool destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_TIMEOUT
 'destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_TIMEOUT' : Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the 'debris' depth will timeout
Bool destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_MAX_SEPARATION
 'destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_MAX_SEPARATION' : Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the 'debris' depth will be removed if separated too far
Bool destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_SMALLEST_CHUNKS
 'destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_SMALLEST_CHUNKS' : If set, the smallest chunks may be further broken down
Bool destructibleParameters.flags.ACCURATE_RAYCASTS
 'destructibleParameters.flags.ACCURATE_RAYCASTS' : If set, the NxDestructibleActor::rayCast function will search within the nearest visible chunk hit
Bool destructibleParameters.flags.USE_VALID_BOUNDS
 'destructibleParameters.flags.USE_VALID_BOUNDS' : If set, the validBounds field of NxDestructibleParameters will be used.
Bool destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_VIA_RUNTIME_FRACTURE
 'destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_VIA_RUNTIME_FRACTURE' : If set, crumbled chunks will use the runtime fracture pipeline.
F32 destructibleParameters.fractureImpulseScale
 'destructibleParameters.fractureImpulseScale' : Scale factor used to apply an impulse force along the normal of chunk when fractured.
U16 destructibleParameters.damageDepthLimit
 'destructibleParameters.damageDepthLimit' : How deep in the hierarchy damage will be propagated, relative to the chunk hit.
U16 destructibleParameters.dynamicChunkDominanceGroup
 'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunkDominanceGroup' : Optional dominance group for dynamic chunks created when fractured.
Bool destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.useGroupsMask
 'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used
U32 destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits0
 'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask
U32 destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits1
 'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask
U32 destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits2
 'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask
U32 destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits3
 'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask
RuntimeFractureType destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.RuntimeFractureType
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.RuntimeFractureType' : Which type of fracture pattern to choose
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.sheetFracture
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.sheetFracture' : If true, align fracture pattern to largest face
U32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.depthLimit
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.depthLimit' : Number of times deep a chunk can be fractured.
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.destroyIfAtDepthLimit
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.destroyIfAtDepthLimit' : Destroy chunk if at depth limit
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.minConvexSize
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.minConvexSize' : Minimum Convex Size.
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.impulseScale
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.impulseScale' : Scales impulse applied by a fracture.
U32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.numSectors
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.numSectors' : Number of angular slices.
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.sectorRand
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.sectorRand' : Creates variance in the angle of slices.
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.firstSegmentSize
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.firstSegmentSize' : The minimum shard size.
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentScale
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentScale' : Scales the radial spacing.
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentRand
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentRand' : Creates variance in the radial size of shards.
Vec3 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.dimensions
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.dimensions' : The size of the entire block
U32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.numCells
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.numCells' : Max Number of Cells to create.
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.biasExp
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.biasExp' : Bias Exponential value.
F32 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.maxDist
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.maxDist' : The max distance a Voronoi point away from origin.
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posX
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posX' : Attach to positive x side of sheet.
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negX
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negX' : Attach to negative x side of sheet.
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posY
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posY' : Attach to positive y side of sheet.
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negY
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negY' : Attach to negative y side of sheet.
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posZ
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posZ' : Attach to positive z side of sheet.
Bool destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negZ
 'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negZ' : Attach to negative z side of sheet.
F32 destructibleParameters.supportStrength
 'destructibleParameters.supportStrength' : The support strength threshold for breaking chunks in stressSolver
I8 destructibleParameters.legacyChunkBoundsTestSetting
 'destructibleParameters.legacyChunkBoundsTestSetting' : Whether or not to use the old chunk bounds testing for damage, or use the module setting.
I8 destructibleParameters.legacyDamageRadiusSpreadSetting
 'destructibleParameters.legacyDamageRadiusSpreadSetting' : Whether or not to use the old damage spread method, or use the module setting.
Bool depthParameters[].OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE
 'depthParameters[].OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE' : If true, chunks at this hierarchy depth level will take impact damage iff OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE = TRUE, no matter the setting of impactDamageDefaultDepth.
 'depthParameters[].OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE' : If OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE = TRUE, chunks at this hierarchy depth level will take impact damage iff OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE = TRUE.
Bool depthParameters[].IGNORE_POSE_UPDATES
 'depthParameters[].IGNORE_POSE_UPDATES' : Chunks at this depth should have pose updates ignored.
 'depthParameters[].IGNORE_RAYCAST_CALLBACKS' : Chunks at this depth should be ignored in raycast callbacks.
 'depthParameters[].IGNORE_CONTACT_CALLBACKS' : Chunks at this depth should be ignored in contact callbacks.
Bool depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_0
 'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_0' : User defined flag.
Bool depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_1
 'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_1' : User defined flag.
Bool depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_2
 'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_2' : User defined flag.
Bool depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_3
 'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_3' : User defined flag.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_ENTER
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_ENTER' : Trigger callback will be called when a shape enters the trigger volume.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_LEAVE
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_LEAVE' : Trigger callback will be called after a shape leaves the trigger volume.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_STAY
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_STAY' : Trigger callback will be called while a shape is intersecting the trigger volume.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for shapes
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision detection for shapes (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION)
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FEATURE_INDICES
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FEATURE_INDICES' : Enable feature indices in contact stream.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING' : Disable raycasting for shapes
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_POINT_CONTACT_FORCE
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_POINT_CONTACT_FORCE' : Enable contact force reporting per contact point in contact stream (otherwise we only report force per actor pair)
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DRAIN
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DRAIN' : Sets a shape to be a fluid drain.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision with fluids.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_TWOWAY
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_TWOWAY' : Enables the reaction of a shapes actor on fluid collision.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RESPONSE
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RESPONSE' : Disable collision response for shapes (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE)
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD' : Enable dynamic-dynamic CCD for shapes. Used only when CCD is globally enabled and shape have a CCD skeleton.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES' : Disable participation in ray casts, overlap tests and sweeps.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DRAIN
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DRAIN' : Sets a shape to be a cloth drain.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DISABLE_COLLISION
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision with cloths.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_TWOWAY
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_TWOWAY' : Enables the reaction of a shapes actor on cloth collision.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_DRAIN
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_DRAIN' : Sets a shape to be a soft body drain.
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision with soft bodies.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_TWOWAY
 'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_TWOWAY' : Enables the reaction of a shape's actor on soft body collision.
U16 shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup
 'shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup' : Sets which collision group shapes are part of.
Bool shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.useGroupsMask
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask
U32 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3
 'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask
U16 shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex
 'shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex' : The material index of a shape.
F32 shapeDescTemplate.density
 'shapeDescTemplate.density' : The density of an individual shape.
F32 shapeDescTemplate.skinWidth
 'shapeDescTemplate.skinWidth' : Specifies by how much shapes can interpenetrate; if -1 it uses the global default
U64 shapeDescTemplate.userData
 'shapeDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer
U64 shapeDescTemplate.name
 'shapeDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape.
Bool actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION
 'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Enable/disable collision detection
Bool actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE
 'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE' : Enable/disable collision response (reports contacts but dont use them)
Bool actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_LOCK_COM
 'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_LOCK_COM' : Disables COM update when computing inertial properties at creation time.
Bool actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION
 'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disables COM update when computing inertial properties at creation time.
Bool actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_CONTACT_MODIFICATION
 'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_CONTACT_MODIFICATION' : Turn on contact modification callback for the actor.
Bool actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FORCE_CONE_FRICTION
 'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FORCE_CONE_FRICTION' : Force cone friction to be used for this actor.
Bool actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_USER_ACTOR_PAIR_FILTERING
 'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_USER_ACTOR_PAIR_FILTERING' : Enable/disable custom contact filtering.
F32 actorDescTemplate.density
 'actorDescTemplate.density' : Density to be applied to the whole actor.
U16 actorDescTemplate.actorCollisionGroup
 'actorDescTemplate.actorCollisionGroup' : Sets which NxActorGroup an actor is part of
U16 actorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup
 'actorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup' : Dominance group for an actor.
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_IGNORE_PAIR
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_IGNORE_PAIR' : Disable contact generation for this pair
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH' : Pair callback will be called when the pair starts to be in contact
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH' : Pair callback will be called when the pair stops to be in contact
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH' : Pair callback will keep getting called while the pair is in contact
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_IMPACT
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_IMPACT' : [Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when it may be appropriate for the pair to play an impact sound
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_ROLL
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_ROLL' : [Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when the pair is in contact and rolling.
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_SLIDE
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_SLIDE' : [Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when the pair is in contact and sliding (and not rolling).
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_FORCES
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_FORCES' : The (summed total) friction force and normal force will be given in the NxContactPair variable in the contact report.
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD' : Pair callback will be called when the contact force between two actors falls below the actor-defined force thresholds
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD' : Pair callback will be called when the contact force between two actors falls below the actor-defined force thresholds
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD' : Pair callback will keep getting called while the contact force between two actors exceeds one of the actor-defined force thresholds
Bool actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_CONTACT_MODIFICATION
 'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_CONTACT_MODIFICATION' : Generate a callback for all associated contact constraints, making it possible to edit the constraint. This flag is not included in NX_NOTIFY_ALL for performance reasons. see NxUserContactModify.
U16 actorDescTemplate.forceFieldMaterial
 'actorDescTemplate.forceFieldMaterial' : Force Field Material Index
U64 actorDescTemplate.userData
 'actorDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer
U64 actorDescTemplate.name
 'actorDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.
U64 actorDescTemplate.compartment
 'actorDescTemplate.compartment' : Optional compartment pointer
Bool bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY
 'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY' : Set if gravity should not be applied on this body
Bool bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_FILTER_SLEEP_VEL
 'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_FILTER_SLEEP_VEL' : Filter velocities used keep body awake. The filter reduces rapid oscillations and transient spikes
Bool bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_ENERGY_SLEEP_TEST
 'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_ENERGY_SLEEP_TEST' : Enables energy-based sleeping algorithm
Bool bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_VISUALIZATION
 'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_VISUALIZATION' : Enables debug visualization for this body
F32 bodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter
 'bodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter' : The bodys initial wake up counter
F32 bodyDescTemplate.linearDamping
 'bodyDescTemplate.linearDamping' : Linear damping applied to the body
F32 bodyDescTemplate.angularDamping
 'bodyDescTemplate.angularDamping' : Angular damping applied to the body
F32 bodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity
 'bodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity' : Maximum allowed angular velocity
F32 bodyDescTemplate.CCDMotionThreshold
 'bodyDescTemplate.CCDMotionThreshold' : Distance threshold for CCD
F32 bodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity
 'bodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity' : Maximum linear velocity at which body can go to sleep
F32 bodyDescTemplate.sleepAngularVelocity
 'bodyDescTemplate.sleepAngularVelocity' : Maximum angular velocity at which body can go to sleep
U32 bodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount
 'bodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount' : Number of solver iterations performed when processing joint/contacts connected to this body
F32 bodyDescTemplate.sleepEnergyThreshold
 'bodyDescTemplate.sleepEnergyThreshold' : Threshold for the energy-based sleeping algorithm. Only used when the NX_BF_ENERGY_SLEEP_TEST flag is set
F32 bodyDescTemplate.sleepDamping
 'bodyDescTemplate.sleepDamping' : Damping factor for bodies that are about to sleep
F32 bodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold
 'bodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold' : The force threshold for contact reports
Bool p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE' : The shape will partake in collision in the physical simulation.
Bool p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE' : The shape will partake in scene queries (ray casts, overlap tests, sweeps, ...).
Bool p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eTRIGGER_SHAPE
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eTRIGGER_SHAPE' : The shape is a trigger which can send reports whenever other shapes enter/leave its volume.
Bool p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for this shape
Bool p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.ePARTICLE_DRAIN
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.ePARTICLE_DRAIN' : Sets the shape to be a particle drain
Bool p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eDEFORMABLE_DRAIN
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eDEFORMABLE_DRAIN' : Sets the shape to be a deformable drain
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word0
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word0' : word0 of the filter data
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word1
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word1' : word1 of the filter data
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word2
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word2' : word2 of the filter data
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word3
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word3' : word3 of the filter data
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word0
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word0' : word0 of the filter data
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word1
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word1' : word1 of the filter data
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word2
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word2' : word2 of the filter data
U32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word3
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word3' : word3 of the filter data
U64 p3ShapeDescTemplate.material
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.material' : A PxMaterial pointer for the shape
F32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.contactOffset
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.contactOffset' : Sets the contact offset
F32 p3ShapeDescTemplate.restOffset
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.restOffset' : Sets the rest offset
U64 p3ShapeDescTemplate.userData
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer
U64 p3ShapeDescTemplate.name
 'p3ShapeDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for this actor
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eDISABLE_GRAVITY
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eDISABLE_GRAVITY' : Disables scene gravity for this actor
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eSEND_SLEEP_NOTIFIES
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eSEND_SLEEP_NOTIFIES' : Enables the sending of PxSimulationEventCallback::onWake() and PxSimulationEventCallback::onSleep() notify events
U8 p3ActorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup' : Assigns dynamic actors a dominance group identifier.
U8 p3ActorDescTemplate.ownerClient
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.ownerClient' : Sets the owner client of an actor.
U32 p3ActorDescTemplate.clientBehaviorBits
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.clientBehaviorBits' : Changes the behavior bits initially specified with PxActorDesc::clientBehaviorBits.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eRESOLVE_CONTACTS
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eRESOLVE_CONTACTS' : Process the contacts of this collision pair in the dynamics solver.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eMODIFY_CONTACTS
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eMODIFY_CONTACTS' : Call contact modification callback for this collision pair.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_FOUND
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_FOUND' : Call contact report callback or trigger callback when this collision pair starts to be in contact
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_PERSISTS
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_PERSISTS' : Call contact report callback or trigger callback while this collision pair is in contact
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_LOST
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_LOST' : Call contact report callback or trigger callback when this collision pair stops to be in contact.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_FOUND
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_FOUND' : Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair exceeds one of the actor-defined force thresholds.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_PERSISTS
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_PERSISTS' : Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair continues to exceed one of the actor-defined force thresholds
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_LOST
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_LOST' : Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair falls below one of the actor-defined force thresholds (includes the case where this collision pair stops being in contact).
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_POINTS
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_POINTS' : Provide contact points in contact reports for this collision pair.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCES
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCES' : Provide the (summed total) friction force and normal force in contact reports for this collision pair (see PxContactPair).
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCE_PER_POINT
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCE_PER_POINT' : Provide contact forces per contact point in contact reports for this collision pair.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FEATURE_INDICES_PER_POINT
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FEATURE_INDICES_PER_POINT' : Provide feature indices per contact point in contact reports for this collision pair.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCCD_LINEAR
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCCD_LINEAR' : A less expensive approximation of eSWEPT_INTEGRATION_FULL, where the rotational motion of the objects is neglected. Should be used when performance is of the essence, for objects where angular motion is unlikely to lead to tunneling.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCONTACT_DEFAULT
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCONTACT_DEFAULT' : Provided default flag to do simple contact processing for this collision pair.
Bool p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eTRIGGER_DEFAULT
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eTRIGGER_DEFAULT' : Provided default flag to get commonly used trigger behavior for this collision pair.
U64 p3ActorDescTemplate.userData
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer
U64 p3ActorDescTemplate.name
 'p3ActorDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.density
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.density' : The density of the body. Used to compute the mass of the body.
Bool p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eKINEMATIC
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eKINEMATIC' : Enables kinematic mode for the actor
Bool p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eENABLE_CCD
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eENABLE_CCD' : Enables swept integration for the actor.
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepThreshold
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepThreshold' : Sets the mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep.
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter' : The bodys initial wake up counter
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.linearDamping
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.linearDamping' : Linear damping applied to the body
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.angularDamping
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.angularDamping' : Sets the angular damping coefficient
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity' : Maximum allowed angular velocity
U32 p3BodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount' : Sets the solver iteration counts for the body
U32 p3BodyDescTemplate.velocityIterationCount
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.velocityIterationCount' : Sets the velocity solver iteration counts for the body
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold' : The force threshold for contact reports
F32 p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity
 'p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity' : Maximum linear velocity at which body can go to sleep
Bool structureSettings.useStressSolver
 'structureSettings.useStressSolver' : If true, the structure containing this actor will use the stress solver.
F32 structureSettings.stressSolverTimeDelay
 'structureSettings.stressSolverTimeDelay' : The structure containing this actor will use the minimum stressSolverTimeDelay of all actors in the structure.
F32 structureSettings.stressSolverMassThreshold
 'structureSettings.stressSolverMassThreshold' : The structure containing this actor will use the minimum stressSolverMassThreshold of all actors in the structure.
String defaultBehaviorGroup.name
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.name' : Name of behavior group
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageThreshold
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageThreshold' : The damage amount which will cause a chunk to fracture (break free) from the destructible.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageToRadius
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageToRadius' : Controls the distance into the destructible to propagate damage.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.minimumRadius
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.radiusMultiplier
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.falloffExponent
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.minimumRadius
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.falloffExponent
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.
Vec4 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorChange
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorChange' : Describes how damage changes the color of vertices in the render mesh.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.materialStrength
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.materialStrength' : When a chunk takes impact, this is the maximum impulse the contact can generate.
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.density
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.density' : Chunk density
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.fadeOut
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.fadeOut' : Chunk fade out
F32 defaultBehaviorGroup.maxDepenetrationVelocity
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.maxDepenetrationVelocity' : Chunk maximum depenetration velocity
Bool defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.useGroupsMask
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used
U32 defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits0
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask
U32 defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits1
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask
U32 defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits2
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask
U32 defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits3
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask
U64 defaultBehaviorGroup.userData
 'defaultBehaviorGroup.userData' : User data field.
String behaviorGroups[].name
 'behaviorGroups[].name' : Name of behavior group
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageThreshold
 'behaviorGroups[].damageThreshold' : The damage amount which will cause a chunk to fracture (break free) from the destructible.
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageToRadius
 'behaviorGroups[].damageToRadius' : Controls the distance into the destructible to propagate damage.
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.minimumRadius
 'behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.radiusMultiplier
 'behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.falloffExponent
 'behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.minimumRadius
 'behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier
 'behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.
F32 behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.falloffExponent
 'behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.
Vec4 behaviorGroups[].damageColorChange
 'behaviorGroups[].damageColorChange' : Describes how damage changes the color of vertices in the render mesh.
F32 behaviorGroups[].materialStrength
 'behaviorGroups[].materialStrength' : When a chunk takes impact, this is the maximum impulse the contact can generate.
F32 behaviorGroups[].density
 'behaviorGroups[].density' : Chunk density
F32 behaviorGroups[].fadeOut
 'behaviorGroups[].fadeOut' : Chunk fade out
F32 behaviorGroups[].maxDepenetrationVelocity
 'behaviorGroups[].maxDepenetrationVelocity' : Chunk maximum depenetration velocity
Bool behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.useGroupsMask
 'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used
U32 behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits0
 'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask
U32 behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits1
 'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask
U32 behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits2
 'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask
U32 behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits3
 'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask
U64 behaviorGroups[].userData
 'behaviorGroups[].userData' : User data field.
Bool deleteChunksLeavingUserDefinedBB
 'deleteChunksLeavingUserDefinedBB' : Whether or not the destructible chunks are going to be deleted upon leaving any user-defined bounding box.
Bool deleteChunksEnteringUserDefinedBB
 'deleteChunksEnteringUserDefinedBB' : Whether or not the destructible chunks are going to be deleted upon entering any user-defined bounding box.

Detailed Description

Describes the NxParameterized::Interface for 'DestructibleActorParam' :

DestructibleActorParam contains 258 fully qualified names
  1 : String               crumbleEmitterName                                                                
  2 : F32                  crumbleParticleSpacing                                                            
  3 : String               dustEmitterName                                                                   
  4 : F32                  dustParticleSpacing                                                               
  5 : Mat34                globalPose                                                                        
  6 : Vec3                 scale                                                                             
  7 : Bool                 dynamic                                                                           
  8 : U32                  supportDepth                                                                      
  9 : Bool                 formExtendedStructures                                                            
 10 : Bool                 performDetailedOverlapTestForExtendedStructures                                   
 11 : Bool                 keepPreviousFrameBoneBuffer                                                       
 12 : Bool                 doNotCreateRenderable                                                             
 13 : Bool                 useAssetDefinedSupport                                                            
 14 : Bool                 useWorldSupport                                                                   
 15 : Bool                 renderStaticChunksSeparately                                                      
 16 : Bool                 keepVisibleBonesPacked                                                            
 17 : Bool                 createChunkEvents                                                                 
 18 : ArraySizeName        overrideSkinnedMaterialNames                                                      
 19 : String               overrideSkinnedMaterialNames[]                                                    
 20 : ArraySizeName        overrideStaticMaterialNames                                                       
 21 : String               overrideStaticMaterialNames[]                                                     
 22 : F32                  sleepVelocityFrameDecayConstant                                                   
 23 : Bool                 useHardSleeping                                                                   
 24 : F32                  destructibleParameters.damageCap                                                  
 25 : F32                  destructibleParameters.forceToDamage                                              
 26 : F32                  destructibleParameters.impactVelocityThreshold                                    
 27 : U32                  destructibleParameters.minimumFractureDepth                                       
 28 : I32                  destructibleParameters.impactDamageDefaultDepth                                   
 29 : I32                  destructibleParameters.debrisDepth                                                
 30 : U32                  destructibleParameters.essentialDepth                                             
 31 : F32                  destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMin                                          
 32 : F32                  destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMax                                          
 33 : F32                  destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMin                                     
 34 : F32                  destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMax                                     
 35 : F32                  destructibleParameters.debrisDestructionProbability                               
 36 : Bounds3              destructibleParameters.validBounds                                                
 37 : F32                  destructibleParameters.maxChunkSpeed                                              
 38 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.flags.ACCUMULATE_DAMAGE                                    
 39 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_TIMEOUT                                       
 40 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_MAX_SEPARATION                                
 41 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_SMALLEST_CHUNKS                              
 42 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.flags.ACCURATE_RAYCASTS                                    
 43 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.flags.USE_VALID_BOUNDS                                     
 44 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_VIA_RUNTIME_FRACTURE                         
 45 : F32                  destructibleParameters.fractureImpulseScale                                       
 46 : U16                  destructibleParameters.damageDepthLimit                                           
 47 : U16                  destructibleParameters.dynamicChunkDominanceGroup                                 
 48 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.useGroupsMask                      
 49 : U32                  destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits0                              
 50 : U32                  destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits1                              
 51 : U32                  destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits2                              
 52 : U32                  destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits3                              
 53 : RuntimeFractureType  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.RuntimeFractureType                        
 54 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.sheetFracture                              
 55 : U32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.depthLimit                                 
 56 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.destroyIfAtDepthLimit                      
 57 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.minConvexSize                              
 58 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.impulseScale                               
 59 : U32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.numSectors                           
 60 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.sectorRand                           
 61 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.firstSegmentSize                     
 62 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentScale                         
 63 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentRand                          
 64 : Vec3                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.dimensions                         
 65 : U32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.numCells                           
 66 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.biasExp                            
 67 : F32                  destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.maxDist                            
 68 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posX                            
 69 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negX                            
 70 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posY                            
 71 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negY                            
 72 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posZ                            
 73 : Bool                 destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negZ                            
 74 : F32                  destructibleParameters.supportStrength                                            
 75 : I8                   destructibleParameters.legacyChunkBoundsTestSetting                               
 76 : I8                   destructibleParameters.legacyDamageRadiusSpreadSetting                            
 77 : ArraySizeName        depthParameters                                                                   
 78 : Bool                 depthParameters[].OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE                                          
 79 : Bool                 depthParameters[].OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE                                    
 80 : Bool                 depthParameters[].IGNORE_POSE_UPDATES                                             
 81 : Bool                 depthParameters[].IGNORE_RAYCAST_CALLBACKS                                        
 82 : Bool                 depthParameters[].IGNORE_CONTACT_CALLBACKS                                        
 83 : Bool                 depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_0                                                     
 84 : Bool                 depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_1                                                     
 85 : Bool                 depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_2                                                     
 86 : Bool                 depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_3                                                     
 87 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_ENTER                                       
 88 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_LEAVE                                       
 89 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_STAY                                        
 90 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION                                       
 91 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION                                   
 92 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FEATURE_INDICES                                     
 93 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING                                  
 94 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_POINT_CONTACT_FORCE                                 
 95 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DRAIN                                         
 96 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION                             
 97 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_TWOWAY                                        
 98 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RESPONSE                                    
 99 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD                                 
100 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES                               
101 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DRAIN                                         
102 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DISABLE_COLLISION                             
103 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_TWOWAY                                        
104 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_DRAIN                                      
105 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_DISABLE_COLLISION                          
106 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_TWOWAY                                     
107 : U16                  shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup                                                  
108 : Bool                 shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.useGroupsMask                                        
109 : U32                  shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0                                                
110 : U32                  shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1                                                
111 : U32                  shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2                                                
112 : U32                  shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3                                                
113 : U16                  shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex                                                   
114 : F32                  shapeDescTemplate.density                                                         
115 : F32                  shapeDescTemplate.skinWidth                                                       
116 : U64                  shapeDescTemplate.userData                                                        
117 : U64                  shapeDescTemplate.name                                                            
118 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION                                   
119 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE                                    
120 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_LOCK_COM                                            
121 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION                             
122 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_CONTACT_MODIFICATION                                
123 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FORCE_CONE_FRICTION                                 
124 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_USER_ACTOR_PAIR_FILTERING                           
125 : F32                  actorDescTemplate.density                                                         
126 : U16                  actorDescTemplate.actorCollisionGroup                                             
127 : U16                  actorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup                                                  
128 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_IGNORE_PAIR                               
129 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH                     
130 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH                       
131 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH                           
132 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_IMPACT                          
133 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_ROLL                            
134 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_SLIDE                           
135 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_FORCES                             
136 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD     
137 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD       
138 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD           
139 : Bool                 actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_CONTACT_MODIFICATION               
140 : U16                  actorDescTemplate.forceFieldMaterial                                              
141 : U64                  actorDescTemplate.userData                                                        
142 : U64                  actorDescTemplate.name                                                            
143 : U64                  actorDescTemplate.compartment                                                     
144 : Bool                 bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY                                      
145 : Bool                 bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_FILTER_SLEEP_VEL                                     
146 : Bool                 bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_ENERGY_SLEEP_TEST                                    
147 : Bool                 bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_VISUALIZATION                                        
148 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter                                                    
149 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.linearDamping                                                    
150 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.angularDamping                                                   
151 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity                                               
152 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.CCDMotionThreshold                                               
153 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity                                              
154 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.sleepAngularVelocity                                             
155 : U32                  bodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount                                             
156 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.sleepEnergyThreshold                                             
157 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.sleepDamping                                                     
158 : F32                  bodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold                                           
159 : Bool                 p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE                                       
160 : Bool                 p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE                                      
161 : Bool                 p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eTRIGGER_SHAPE                                          
162 : Bool                 p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION                                          
163 : Bool                 p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.ePARTICLE_DRAIN                                         
164 : Bool                 p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eDEFORMABLE_DRAIN                                       
165 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word0                                    
166 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word1                                    
167 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word2                                    
168 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word3                                    
169 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word0                                         
170 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word1                                         
171 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word2                                         
172 : U32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word3                                         
173 : U64                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.material                                                      
174 : F32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.contactOffset                                                 
175 : F32                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.restOffset                                                    
176 : U64                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.userData                                                      
177 : U64                  p3ShapeDescTemplate.name                                                          
178 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION                                          
179 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eDISABLE_GRAVITY                                        
180 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eSEND_SLEEP_NOTIFIES                                    
181 : U8                   p3ActorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup                                                
182 : U8                   p3ActorDescTemplate.ownerClient                                                   
183 : U32                  p3ActorDescTemplate.clientBehaviorBits                                            
184 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eRESOLVE_CONTACTS                          
185 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eMODIFY_CONTACTS                           
186 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_FOUND                        
187 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_PERSISTS                     
188 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_LOST                         
189 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_FOUND              
190 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_PERSISTS           
191 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_LOST               
192 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_POINTS                     
193 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCES                     
194 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCE_PER_POINT            
195 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FEATURE_INDICES_PER_POINT  
196 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCCD_LINEAR                                
197 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCONTACT_DEFAULT                           
198 : Bool                 p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eTRIGGER_DEFAULT                           
199 : U64                  p3ActorDescTemplate.userData                                                      
200 : U64                  p3ActorDescTemplate.name                                                          
201 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.density                                                        
202 : Bool                 p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eKINEMATIC                                               
203 : Bool                 p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eENABLE_CCD                                              
204 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepThreshold                                                 
205 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter                                                  
206 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.linearDamping                                                  
207 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.angularDamping                                                 
208 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity                                             
209 : U32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount                                           
210 : U32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.velocityIterationCount                                         
211 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold                                         
212 : F32                  p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity                                            
213 : Bool                 structureSettings.useStressSolver                                                 
214 : F32                  structureSettings.stressSolverTimeDelay                                           
215 : F32                  structureSettings.stressSolverMassThreshold                                       
216 : String               defaultBehaviorGroup.name                                                         
217 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageThreshold                                              
218 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageToRadius                                               
219 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.minimumRadius                                   
220 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.radiusMultiplier                                
221 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.falloffExponent                                 
222 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.minimumRadius                              
223 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier                           
224 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.falloffExponent                            
225 : Vec4                 defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorChange                                            
226 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.materialStrength                                             
227 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.density                                                      
228 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.fadeOut                                                      
229 : F32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.maxDepenetrationVelocity                                     
230 : Bool                 defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.useGroupsMask                                     
231 : U32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits0                                             
232 : U32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits1                                             
233 : U32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits2                                             
234 : U32                  defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits3                                             
235 : U64                  defaultBehaviorGroup.userData                                                     
236 : ArraySizeName        behaviorGroups                                                                    
237 : String               behaviorGroups[].name                                                             
238 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageThreshold                                                  
239 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageToRadius                                                   
240 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.minimumRadius                                       
241 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.radiusMultiplier                                    
242 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.falloffExponent                                     
243 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.minimumRadius                                  
244 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier                               
245 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.falloffExponent                                
246 : Vec4                 behaviorGroups[].damageColorChange                                                
247 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].materialStrength                                                 
248 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].density                                                          
249 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].fadeOut                                                          
250 : F32                  behaviorGroups[].maxDepenetrationVelocity                                         
251 : Bool                 behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.useGroupsMask                                         
252 : U32                  behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits0                                                 
253 : U32                  behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits1                                                 
254 : U32                  behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits2                                                 
255 : U32                  behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits3                                                 
256 : U64                  behaviorGroups[].userData                                                         
257 : Bool                 deleteChunksLeavingUserDefinedBB                                                  
258 : Bool                 deleteChunksEnteringUserDefinedBB                                                 

Member Data Documentation

'actorDescTemplate.actorCollisionGroup' : Sets which NxActorGroup an actor is part of

Sets which NxActorGroup an actor is part of. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.compartment' : Optional compartment pointer

Optional compartment pointer; must be set by the application. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_IGNORE_PAIR' : Disable contact generation for this pair

Disable contact generation for this pair. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_CONTACT_MODIFICATION' : Generate a callback for all associated contact constraints, making it possible to edit the constraint. This flag is not included in NX_NOTIFY_ALL for performance reasons. see NxUserContactModify.

Generate a callback for all associated contact constraints, making it possible to edit the constraint. This flag is not included in NX_NOTIFY_ALL for performance reasons. see NxUserContactModify. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_FORCES' : The (summed total) friction force and normal force will be given in the NxContactPair variable in the contact report.

The (summed total) friction force and normal force will be given in the NxContactPair variable in the contact report. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH' : Pair callback will be called when the pair stops to be in contact

Pair callback will be called when the pair stops to be in contact. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_END_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD' : Pair callback will be called when the contact force between two actors falls below the actor-defined force thresholds

Pair callback will be called when the contact force between two actors falls below the actor-defined force thresholds. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_IMPACT' : [Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when it may be appropriate for the pair to play an impact sound

[Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when it may be appropriate for the pair to play an impact sound. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_ROLL' : [Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when the pair is in contact and rolling.

[Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when the pair is in contact and rolling. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_SLIDE' : [Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when the pair is in contact and sliding (and not rolling).

[Not yet implemented] pair callback will be called when the pair is in contact and sliding (and not rolling). See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH' : Pair callback will be called when the pair starts to be in contact

Pair callback will be called when the pair starts to be in contact. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_START_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD' : Pair callback will be called when the contact force between two actors falls below the actor-defined force thresholds

Pair callback will be called when the contact force between two actors falls below the actor-defined force thresholds. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH' : Pair callback will keep getting called while the pair is in contact

Pair callback will keep getting called while the pair is in contact. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.NX_NOTIFY_ON_TOUCH_FORCE_THRESHOLD' : Pair callback will keep getting called while the contact force between two actors exceeds one of the actor-defined force thresholds

Pair callback will keep getting called while the contact force between two actors exceeds one of the actor-defined force thresholds. See the PhysX documentation for more about contact reporting.

'actorDescTemplate.density' : Density to be applied to the whole actor.

Density to be applied to the whole actor. If the body descriptor contains a zero mass but the actor descriptor contains a non-zero density, we compute a new mass automatically from the density and a shapes. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup' : Dominance group for an actor.

Dominance group for an actor. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_CONTACT_MODIFICATION' : Turn on contact modification callback for the actor.

Turn on contact modification callback for the actor. This flag will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Enable/disable collision detection

Enable/disable collision detection. This flag will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE' : Enable/disable collision response (reports contacts but dont use them)

Enable/disable collision response (reports contacts but dont use them). This flag will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disables COM update when computing inertial properties at creation time.

Disables COM update when computing inertial properties at creation time. This flag will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_FORCE_CONE_FRICTION' : Force cone friction to be used for this actor.

Force cone friction to be used for this actor. This flag will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_LOCK_COM' : Disables COM update when computing inertial properties at creation time.

Disables COM update when computing inertial properties at creation time. This flag will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.flags.NX_AF_USER_ACTOR_PAIR_FILTERING' : Enable/disable custom contact filtering.

Enable/disable custom contact filtering. This flag will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.forceFieldMaterial' : Force Field Material Index

Force Field Material Index, index != 0 has to be created. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.

Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'actorDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer

Optional user data pointer. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'behaviorGroups[].damageColorChange' : Describes how damage changes the color of vertices in the render mesh.

Describes how damage changes the color of vertices in the render mesh. If this vector is non-zero, then a dynamic (per-actor) color channel will be created and initialized to the asset's color channel, if it exists. Damage taken will go through the spread and envelope function described by damageColorSpread, and each color will be modified by the resulting damage, scaled by the values in damageColorChange. The change to color channel C is given by color[C] = clamp(color[C] + damageColorChange[C]*255*min(1.0, damage/damageThreshold), 0, 255).

'behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.

How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier. Within the minimumRadius, the full damage is applied to chunks. Past the minimumRadius, the formla for damage is: damage = (input damage) * ((radius - distance)/(radius - minimumRadius))^falloffExponent. Note: falloffExponent = 0.0 gives no falloff, so that damage = (input damage) over the entire range [0, radius). falloffExponent = 1.0 gives linear falloff.

'behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.

The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'behaviorGroups[].damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.

A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.

How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier. Within the minimumRadius, the full damage is applied to chunks. Past the minimumRadius, the formla for damage is: damage = (input damage) * ((radius - distance)/(radius - minimumRadius))^falloffExponent. Note: falloffExponent = 0.0 gives no falloff, so that damage = (input damage) over the entire range [0, radius). falloffExponent = 1.0 gives linear falloff.

'behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.

The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'behaviorGroups[].damageSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.

A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'behaviorGroups[].damageThreshold' : The damage amount which will cause a chunk to fracture (break free) from the destructible.

The damage amount which will cause a chunk to fracture (break free) from the destructible. This is obtained from the damage value passed into the NxDestructibleActor::applyDamage, or NxDestructibleActor::applyRadiusDamage, or via impact (see 'forceToDamage', below).

'behaviorGroups[].damageToRadius' : Controls the distance into the destructible to propagate damage.

Controls the distance into the destructible to propagate damage. The damage applied to the chunk is multiplied by damageToRadius, to get the propagation distance. All chunks within the radius will have damage applied to them. The damage applied to each chunk varies with distance to the damage application position. Full damage is taken at zero distance, and zero damage at the damage radius. NOTE: This parameter is deprecated for point and radius damage. It will be used for those types of damage if legacy damage behavior is enabled with NxModuleDestructible::setUseLegacyDamageRadiusSpread. Otherwise, the new parameters damageSpread.minimumRadius, damageSpread.radiusMultiplier, and damageSpread.falloffExponent are used. For impact damage, this parameter will continue to be used, however the radius will no longer scale with object size. The radius will continue to scale with the damage as a fraction of damageThreshold, however. If legacy damage behavior is used, this parameter will behave as before with respect to impact damage as well (scaling with object size).

'behaviorGroups[].density' : Chunk density

Chunk density. (TODO: better description)

'behaviorGroups[].fadeOut' : Chunk fade out

Chunk fade out. (TODO: better description)

'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits0 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits1 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits2 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits3 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'behaviorGroups[].groupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used

Whether or not the groupsMask should be used. If so, then this will be applied to all NxShapes created to represent this destructible's chunks.

'behaviorGroups[].materialStrength' : When a chunk takes impact, this is the maximum impulse the contact can generate.

When a chunk takes impact damage due to physical contact (see see NxDestructibleDepthParameters), this parameter is the maximum impulse the contact can generate. Weak materials such as glass may have this set to a low value, so that heavier objects will pass through them during fracture. N.B.: Setting this parameter to 0 disables the impulse cap; that is, zero is interpreted as infinite. Default value = 0.0f.

'behaviorGroups[].maxDepenetrationVelocity' : Chunk maximum depenetration velocity

In case some chunk is created inside static geometry it will be pushed out of it without limiting it's velocity. Sometimes it's not desirable, so this parameter can limit depenetration velocity. Keep in mind, that for low values you can see chunks 'floating' off the static meshes, which is also not always desirable.

'behaviorGroups[].name' : Name of behavior group

Name of behavior group, eg Concrete or Glass.

'behaviorGroups[].userData' : User data field.

User data field. This 64-bit field can be set and retrieved by the user at runtime.

'bodyDescTemplate.angularDamping' : Angular damping applied to the body

Angular damping applied to the body. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.CCDMotionThreshold' : Distance threshold for CCD

When CCD is globally enabled, it is still not performed if the motion distance of all points on the body is below this threshold. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold' : The force threshold for contact reports

The force threshold for contact reports. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY' : Set if gravity should not be applied on this body

Set if gravity should not be applied on this body. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_ENERGY_SLEEP_TEST' : Enables energy-based sleeping algorithm

Enables energy-based sleeping algorithm. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_FILTER_SLEEP_VEL' : Filter velocities used keep body awake. The filter reduces rapid oscillations and transient spikes

Filter velocities used keep body awake. The filter reduces rapid oscillations and transient spikes. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.flags.NX_BF_VISUALIZATION' : Enables debug visualization for this body

Enables debug visualization for this body. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.linearDamping' : Linear damping applied to the body

Linear damping applied to the body. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity' : Maximum allowed angular velocity

Maximum allowed angular velocity. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.sleepAngularVelocity' : Maximum angular velocity at which body can go to sleep

Maximum angular velocity at which body can go to sleep. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.sleepDamping' : Damping factor for bodies that are about to sleep

Damping factor for bodies that are about to sleep. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.sleepEnergyThreshold' : Threshold for the energy-based sleeping algorithm. Only used when the NX_BF_ENERGY_SLEEP_TEST flag is set

Threshold for the energy-based sleeping algorithm. Only used when the NX_BF_ENERGY_SLEEP_TEST flag is set. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity' : Maximum linear velocity at which body can go to sleep

Maximum linear velocity at which body can go to sleep. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount' : Number of solver iterations performed when processing joint/contacts connected to this body

Number of solver iterations performed when processing joint/contacts connected to this body. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'bodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter' : The bodys initial wake up counter

The bodys initial wake up counter. This will be applied to all NxActors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'createChunkEvents' : Whether or not to create an event buffer for chunks

Whether or not to create an event buffer for chunk. If true, the user has access to a chunk event buffer, which currently holds visibility state change events. The user must empty this buffer themselves after reading, otherwise it will continue to grow as new events are added. Default value = false.

'crumbleEmitterName' : The name of the NxMeshParticleSystem to use for crumbling

The name of the NxMeshParticleSystem to use for crumbling. This overrides the crumble system defined in the NxDestructibleAsset if specified.

'crumbleParticleSpacing' : How far apart to space the particles when crumbling

How far apart to space the particles when crumling. If set to zero or a negative value, then the spacing is taken to be the crumble emitter's particle radius, if the crumble emitter exists. This spacing will be used when placing particle positions in the crumble emitter and the crumble buffer callback. Note - if there is no crumble emitter but there is a crumble buffer callback, then this value must be positive in order to have a proper spacing for the callback. Otherwise, the callback will not be called. The default value is 0.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorChange' : Describes how damage changes the color of vertices in the render mesh.

Describes how damage changes the color of vertices in the render mesh. If this vector is non-zero, then a dynamic (per-actor) color channel will be created and initialized to the asset's color channel, if it exists. Damage taken will go through the spread and envelope function described by damageColorSpread, and each color will be modified by the resulting damage, scaled by the values in damageColorChange. The change to color channel C is given by color[C] = clamp(color[C] + damageColorChange[C]*255*min(1.0, damage/damageThreshold), 0, 255).

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.

How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier. Within the minimumRadius, the full damage is applied to chunks. Past the minimumRadius, the formla for damage is: damage = (input damage) * ((radius - distance)/(radius - minimumRadius))^falloffExponent. Note: falloffExponent = 0.0 gives no falloff, so that damage = (input damage) over the entire range [0, radius). falloffExponent = 1.0 gives linear falloff.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.

The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageColorSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.

A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.falloffExponent' : How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius.

How damage varies between the minimum radius and the calculated damage radius. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier. Within the minimumRadius, the full damage is applied to chunks. Past the minimumRadius, the formla for damage is: damage = (input damage) * ((radius - distance)/(radius - minimumRadius))^falloffExponent. Note: falloffExponent = 0.0 gives no falloff, so that damage = (input damage) over the entire range [0, radius). falloffExponent = 1.0 gives linear falloff.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.minimumRadius' : The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied.

The minimum radius of damage spread when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageSpread.radiusMultiplier' : A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied.

A scale to apply to the input damage radius when damage is applied. The formula for the damage radius is radius = minimumRadius + (input radius) * radiusMultiplier.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageThreshold' : The damage amount which will cause a chunk to fracture (break free) from the destructible.

The damage amount which will cause a chunk to fracture (break free) from the destructible. This is obtained from the damage value passed into the NxDestructibleActor::applyDamage, or NxDestructibleActor::applyRadiusDamage, or via impact (see 'forceToDamage', below).

'defaultBehaviorGroup.damageToRadius' : Controls the distance into the destructible to propagate damage.

Controls the distance into the destructible to propagate damage. The damage applied to the chunk is multiplied by damageToRadius, to get the propagation distance. All chunks within the radius will have damage applied to them. The damage applied to each chunk varies with distance to the damage application position. Full damage is taken at zero distance, and zero damage at the damage radius. NOTE: This parameter is deprecated for point and radius damage. It will be used for those types of damage if legacy damage behavior is enabled with NxModuleDestructible::setUseLegacyDamageRadiusSpread. Otherwise, the new parameters damageSpread.minimumRadius, damageSpread.radiusMultiplier, and damageSpread.falloffExponent are used. For impact damage, this parameter will continue to be used, however the radius will no longer scale with object size. The radius will continue to scale with the damage as a fraction of damageThreshold, however. If legacy damage behavior is used, this parameter will behave as before with respect to impact damage as well (scaling with object size).

'defaultBehaviorGroup.density' : Chunk density

Chunk density. (TODO: better description)

'defaultBehaviorGroup.fadeOut' : Chunk fade out

Chunk fade out. (TODO: better description)

'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits0 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits1 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits2 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits3 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.groupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used

Whether or not the groupsMask should be used. If so, then this will be applied to all NxShapes created to represent this destructible's chunks.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.materialStrength' : When a chunk takes impact, this is the maximum impulse the contact can generate.

When a chunk takes impact damage due to physical contact (see see NxDestructibleDepthParameters), this parameter is the maximum impulse the contact can generate. Weak materials such as glass may have this set to a low value, so that heavier objects will pass through them during fracture. N.B.: Setting this parameter to 0 disables the impulse cap; that is, zero is interpreted as infinite. Default value = 0.0f.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.maxDepenetrationVelocity' : Chunk maximum depenetration velocity

In case some chunk is created inside static geometry it will be pushed out of it without limiting it's velocity. Sometimes it's not desirable, so this parameter can limit depenetration velocity. Keep in mind, that for low values you can see chunks 'floating' off the static meshes, which is also not always desirable.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.name' : Name of behavior group

Name of behavior group, eg Concrete or Glass.

'defaultBehaviorGroup.userData' : User data field.

User data field. This 64-bit field can be set and retrieved by the user at runtime.

'deleteChunksEnteringUserDefinedBB' : Whether or not the destructible chunks are going to be deleted upon entering any user-defined bounding box.

The user can specify arbitrary number of bounding boxes in the scene using NxApexScene::addBoundingBox interface along with the flag, which marks a bounding box as either UserBoundingBoxFlags::ENTER or UserBoundingBoxFlags::LEAVE. If user also specifies 'deleteChunksEnteringUserDefinedBB' flag to true, then chunks that are entering a bounding box marked as UserBoundingBoxFlags::ENTER are going to be deleted. User can specify more complex deletion volumes by combining 2 types of bounding boxes.

'deleteChunksLeavingUserDefinedBB' : Whether or not the destructible chunks are going to be deleted upon leaving any user-defined bounding box.

The user can specify arbitrary number of bounding boxes in the scene using NxApexScene::addBoundingBox interface along with the flag, which marks a bounding box as either UserBoundingBoxFlags::ENTER or UserBoundingBoxFlags::LEAVE. If user also specifies 'deleteChunksLeavingUserDefinedBB' flag to true, then chunks that are leaving a bounding box marked as UserBoundingBoxFlags::LEAVE are going to be deleted. User can specify more complex deletion volumes by combining 2 types of bounding boxes.

'depthParameters[].IGNORE_CONTACT_CALLBACKS' : Chunks at this depth should be ignored in contact callbacks.

Chunks at this depth should be ignored in contact callbacks.

'depthParameters[].IGNORE_POSE_UPDATES' : Chunks at this depth should have pose updates ignored.

Chunks at this depth should have pose updates ignored.

'depthParameters[].IGNORE_RAYCAST_CALLBACKS' : Chunks at this depth should be ignored in raycast callbacks.

Chunks at this depth should be ignored in raycast callbacks.

'depthParameters[].OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE' : If true, chunks at this hierarchy depth level will take impact damage iff OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE = TRUE, no matter the setting of impactDamageDefaultDepth.

Chunks at this hierarchy depth level will take impact damage iff OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE = TRUE, no matter the setting of impactDamageDefaultDepth.

'depthParameters[].OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE' : If OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE = TRUE, chunks at this hierarchy depth level will take impact damage iff OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE = TRUE.

If OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE = TRUE, chunks at this hierarchy depth level will take impact damage iff OVERRIDE_IMPACT_DAMAGE_VALUE = TRUE.

'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_0' : User defined flag.

User defined flag.

'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_1' : User defined flag.

User defined flag.

'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_2' : User defined flag.

User defined flag.

'depthParameters[].USER_FLAG_3' : User defined flag.

User defined flag.

'destructibleParameters.damageCap' : Limits the amount of damage applied to a chunk.

Limits the amount of damage applied to a chunk. This is useful for preventing the entire destructible from getting pulverized by a very large application of damage. This can easily happen when impact damage is used, and the damage amount is proportional to the impact force (see forceToDamage).

'destructibleParameters.damageDepthLimit' : How deep in the hierarchy damage will be propagated, relative to the chunk hit.

How deep in the hierarchy damage will be propagated, relative to the chunk hit.

'destructibleParameters.debrisDepth' : The chunk hierarchy depth at which chunks are considered to be 'debris.'

The chunk hierarchy depth at which chunks are considered to be 'debris.' Chunks at this depth or below will be considered for various debris settings, such as debrisLifetime. Negative values indicate that no chunk depth is considered debris. Default value is -1.

'destructibleParameters.debrisDestructionProbability' : The probablity that a debris chunk, when fractured, will simply be destroyed

The probablity that a debris chunk, when fractured, will simply be destroyed instead of becoming dynamic or breaking down further into child chunks. Valid range = [0.0,1.0]. Default value = 0.0.

'destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMax' : Maximum time to destroy debris

'Debris chunks' (see debrisDepth, above) will be destroyed after a time (in seconds) separated from non-debris chunks. The actual lifetime is interpolated between debrisLifetimeMin (see above) and debrisLifetimeMax, based upon the module's LOD setting. To disable lifetime, clear the NxDestructibleDepthParametersFlag::DEBRIS_TIMEOUT flag in the flags field. If debrisLifetimeMax < debrisLifetimeMin, the mean of the two is used for both. Default debrisLifetimeMin = 1.0, debrisLifetimeMax = 10.0f.

'destructibleParameters.debrisLifetimeMin' : Minimum time to destroy debris

'Debris chunks' (see debrisDepth, above) will be destroyed after a time (in seconds) separated from non-debris chunks. The actual lifetime is interpolated between debrisLifetimeMin and debrisLifetimeMax (see below), based upon the module's LOD setting. To disable lifetime, clear the NxDestructibleDepthParametersFlag::DEBRIS_TIMEOUT flag in the flags field. If debrisLifetimeMax < debrisLifetimeMin, the mean of the two is used for both. Default debrisLifetimeMin = 1.0, debrisLifetimeMax = 10.0f.

'destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMax' : Minimum separation distance

'Debris chunks' (see debrisDepth, above) will be destroyed if they are separated from their origin by a distance greater than maxSeparation. The actual maxSeparation is interpolated between debrisMaxSeparationMin (see above) and debrisMaxSeparationMax, based upon the module's LOD setting. To disable maxSeparation, clear the NX_DESTRUCTIBLE_DEBRIS_MAX_SEPARATION flag in the flags field. If debrisMaxSeparationMax < debrisMaxSeparationMin, the mean of the two is used for both. Default debrisMaxSeparationMin = 1.0, debrisMaxSeparationMax = 10.0f.

'destructibleParameters.debrisMaxSeparationMin' : Minimum separation distance

'Debris chunks' (see debrisDepth, above) will be destroyed if they are separated from their origin by a distance greater than maxSeparation. The actual maxSeparation is interpolated between debrisMaxSeparationMin and debrisMaxSeparationMax (see below), based upon the module's LOD setting. To disable maxSeparation, clear the NX_DESTRUCTIBLE_DEBRIS_MAX_SEPARATION flag in the flags field. If debrisMaxSeparationMax < debrisMaxSeparationMin, the mean of the two is used for both. Default debrisMaxSeparationMin = 1.0, debrisMaxSeparationMax = 10.0f.

'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunkDominanceGroup' : Optional dominance group for dynamic chunks created when fractured.

Optional dominance group for dynamic chunks created when fractured. (ignored if > 31)

'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits0 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits1 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits2 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits3 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'destructibleParameters.dynamicChunksGroupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used

Whether or not the groupsMask should be used. If so, then this will be applied to all NxShapes created to represent this destructible's chunks.

'destructibleParameters.essentialDepth' : The chunk hierarchy depth up to which chunks will always be processed

The chunk hierarchy depth up to which chunks will always be processed. These chunks are considered to be essential either for gameplay or visually. The minimum value is 0, meaning the level 0 chunk is always considered essential. Default value is 0.

'destructibleParameters.flags.ACCUMULATE_DAMAGE' : Determines if chunks accumulate damage

If set, chunks will 'remember' damage applied to them, so that many applications of a damage amount below damageThreshold will eventually fracture the chunk. If not set, a single application of damage must exceed damageThreshold in order to fracture the chunk.

'destructibleParameters.flags.ACCURATE_RAYCASTS' : If set, the NxDestructibleActor::rayCast function will search within the nearest visible chunk hit

If set, the NxDestructibleActor::rayCast function will search within the nearest visible chunk hit for collisions with child chunks. This is used to get a better raycast position and normal, in case the parent collision volume does not tightly fit the graphics mesh. The returned chunk index will always be that of the visible parent that is intersected, however.

'destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_SMALLEST_CHUNKS' : If set, the smallest chunks may be further broken down

If set, the smallest chunks may be further broken down, either by fluid crumbles (if a crumble particle system is specified in the NxDestructibleActorDesc), or by simply removing the chunk if no crumble particle system is specified. Note: the 'smallest chunks' are normally defined to be the deepest level of the fracture hierarchy. However, they may be taken from higher levels of the hierarchy if NxModuleDestructible::setMaxChunkDepthOffset is called with a non-zero value.

'destructibleParameters.flags.CRUMBLE_VIA_RUNTIME_FRACTURE' : If set, crumbled chunks will use the runtime fracture pipeline.

If set, crumbled chunks will use the runtime fracture pipeline. The chunk will be procedurally broken destroyed using either the default or a specified fracture pattern.

'destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_MAX_SEPARATION' : Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the 'debris' depth will be removed if separated too far

Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the 'debris' depth (see NxDestructibleParameters::debrisDepth) will be removed if they separate too far from their origins. The maxSeparation is a value between NxDestructibleParameters::debrisMaxSeparationMin and NxDestructibleParameters::debrisMaxSeparationMax, based upon the destructible module's LOD setting.

'destructibleParameters.flags.DEBRIS_TIMEOUT' : Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the 'debris' depth will timeout

Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the 'debris' depth (see NxDestructibleParameters::debrisDepth) will time out. The lifetime is a value between NxDestructibleParameters::debrisLifetimeMin and NxDestructibleParameters::debrisLifetimeMax, based upon the destructible module's LOD setting.

'destructibleParameters.flags.USE_VALID_BOUNDS' : If set, the validBounds field of NxDestructibleParameters will be used.

If set, the validBounds field of NxDestructibleParameters will be used. These bounds are translated (but not scaled or rotated) to the origin of the destructible actor. If a chunk or chunk island moves outside of those bounds, it is destroyed.

'destructibleParameters.forceToDamage' : Multiplier to calculate applied damage from an impact.

If a chunk is at a depth which takes impact damage (see NxDestructibleDepthParameters), then when a chunk has a collision in the NxScene, it will take damage equal to forceToDamage mulitplied by the impact force. The default value is zero, which effectively disables impact damage.

'destructibleParameters.fractureImpulseScale' : Scale factor used to apply an impulse force along the normal of chunk when fractured.

Scale factor used to apply an impulse force along the normal of chunk when fractured. This is used in order to 'push' the pieces out as they fracture.

'destructibleParameters.impactDamageDefaultDepth' : The default depth to which chunks will take impact damage.

The default depth to which chunks will take impact damage. This default may be overridden in the depth settings.

'destructibleParameters.impactVelocityThreshold' : Large impact force may be reported if rigid bodies are spawned inside one another.

Large impact force may be reported if rigid bodies are spawned inside one another. In this case the relative velocity of the two objects will be low. This variable allows the user to set a minimum velocity threshold for impacts to ensure that the objects are moving at a min velocity in order for the impact force to be considered.

'destructibleParameters.legacyChunkBoundsTestSetting' : Whether or not to use the old chunk bounds testing for damage, or use the module setting.

Whether or not to use the old chunk bounds testing for damage, or use the module setting. A value of 0 forces the new method to be used. A positive value forces the old method to be used. Negative values cause the global (NxModuleDestructible) setting to be used.

'destructibleParameters.legacyDamageRadiusSpreadSetting' : Whether or not to use the old damage spread method, or use the module setting.

Whether or not to use the old damage spread method, or use the module setting. A value of 0 forces the new method to be used. A positive value forces the old method to be used. Negative values cause the global (NxModuleDestructible) setting to be used.

'destructibleParameters.maxChunkSpeed' : Maximum speed of a chunk

If greater than 0, the chunks' speeds will not be allowed to exceed this value. Use 0 to disable this feature (this is the default).

'destructibleParameters.minimumFractureDepth' : The chunks will not be broken free below this depth.

Chunks will not be broken free below this depth.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negX' : Attach to negative x side of sheet.

If true, make the negative x side of the sheet an attachment point.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negY' : Attach to negative y side of sheet.

If true, make the negative y side of the sheet an attachment point.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.negZ' : Attach to negative z side of sheet.

If true, make the negative z side of the sheet an attachment point.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posX' : Attach to positive x side of sheet.

If true, make the positive x side of the sheet an attachment point.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posY' : Attach to positive y side of sheet.

If true, make the positive y side of the sheet an attachment point.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.attachment.posZ' : Attach to positive z side of sheet.

If true, make the positive z side of the sheet an attachment point.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.depthLimit' : Number of times deep a chunk can be fractured.

Number of times deep a chunk can be fractured. Can help limit the number of chunks produced by runtime fracture.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.destroyIfAtDepthLimit' : Destroy chunk if at depth limit

If true, destroy chunks when they hit their depth limit. If false, then chunks at their depth limit will not fracture but will have a force applied.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.firstSegmentSize' : The minimum shard size.

The minimum shard size. Shards below this size will not be created and thus not visible.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.numSectors' : Number of angular slices.

Number of angular slices in the glass fracture pattern.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.sectorRand' : Creates variance in the angle of slices.

Creates variance in the angle of slices. A value of zero results in all angular slices having the same angle.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentRand' : Creates variance in the radial size of shards.

Creates variance in the radial size of shards. A value of zero results in a low noise circular pattern.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.glass.segmentScale' : Scales the radial spacing.

Scales the radial spacing in the glass fracture pattern. A larger value results in radially longer shards.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.impulseScale' : Scales impulse applied by a fracture.

Scales impulse applied by a fracture.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.minConvexSize' : Minimum Convex Size.

Minimum Convex Size. Minimum size of convex produced by a fracture.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.RuntimeFractureType' : Which type of fracture pattern to choose

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.sheetFracture' : If true, align fracture pattern to largest face

If true, align fracture pattern to largest face. If false, the fracture pattern will be aligned to the hit normal with each fracture.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.biasExp' : Bias Exponential value.

Bias Exponential value is used in distributing voronoi points which is used to fracture the original chunk.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.dimensions' : The size of the entire block

The size of the entire block.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.maxDist' : The max distance a Voronoi point away from origin.

This is to prevent a illegal voronoi point that's used to generate voronoi chunks.

'destructibleParameters.runtimeFracture.voronoi.numCells' : Max Number of Cells to create.

Number of Cells corresponds to the number of chunks to create during the fracture, default value is only one chunk.

'destructibleParameters.supportStrength' : The support strength threshold for breaking chunks in stressSolver

The larger the supportStrength is, the harder it will break under stressSolver. SupportStrength should be larger than 0.0 so that it is not extremely fragile. Default supportStrength = -1.0 which means strength is turned off initially.

'destructibleParameters.validBounds' : valid bounding region for debris

A bounding box around each NxDestructibleActor created, defining a range of validity for chunks that break free. These bounds are scaled and translated with the NxDestructibleActor's scale and position, but they are not rotated with the NxDestructibleActor.

'doNotCreateRenderable' : If true, a renderable will not be created for the destructible actor

If true, a renderable will not be created for the destructible actor. This prevents unnecessary updates when the APEX render API is not being used.

'dustEmitterName' : The name of the NxMeshParticleSystem to use for fracture-line dust

The name of the NxMeshParticleSystem to use for fracture-line dust. This overrides the dust system defined in the NxDestructibleAsset if specified.

'dustParticleSpacing' : How far apart to space the particles when creating dust particles

How far apart to space the particles when crumling. If set to zero or a negative value, then the spacing is taken to be the dust emitter's particle radius, if the dust emitter exists. This spacing will be used when placing particle positions in the dust emitter and the dust particle buffer callback. Note - if there is no dust emitter but there is a dust particle buffer callback, then this value must be positive in order to have a proper spacing for the callback. Otherwise, the callback will not be called. The default value is 0.

'dynamic' : Whether or not the destructible starts life as a dynamic actor

Whether or not the destructible starts life as a dynamic actor

'formExtendedStructures' : If initially static, the destructible will become part of an extended support structure if it is in contact with another static destructible that also has this flag set.

If initially static, the destructible will become part of an extended support structure if it is in contact with another static destructible that also has this flag set.

'globalPose' : The initial pose where the destructible actor will be put into the scene

Initial global pose of undamaged destructible

'keepPreviousFrameBoneBuffer' : If true, the skinned mesh will hold a bone buffer for the last frame

If true, the skinned mesh will hold a bone buffer for the last frame. The poses in the new buffer correspond the poses in the current frame buffer, chunk was not visible in the last frame.

'keepVisibleBonesPacked' : Parameter passed into skinned ApexRenderMeshActor

Parameter passed into skinned ApexRenderMeshActor. If true, visible bone matrices are packed into the bone render buffer, and a per-actor vertex buffer is created to handle re-indexed bones. Default value = true.

'overrideSkinnedMaterialNames[]' : Per-actor material names, to override those in the asset, for skinned rendering

Per-actor material names, to override those in the asset, for skinned rendering.

'overrideStaticMaterialNames[]' : Per-actor material names, to override those in the asset, for static rendering

Per-actor material names, to override those in the asset, for static rendering.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.clientBehaviorBits' : Changes the behavior bits initially specified with PxActorDesc::clientBehaviorBits.

Changes the behavior bits initially specified with PxActorDesc::clientBehaviorBits. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCCD_LINEAR' : A less expensive approximation of eSWEPT_INTEGRATION_FULL, where the rotational motion of the objects is neglected. Should be used when performance is of the essence, for objects where angular motion is unlikely to lead to tunneling.

A less expensive approximation of eSWEPT_INTEGRATION_FULL, where the rotational motion of the objects is neglected. Should be used when performance is of the essence, for objects where angular motion is unlikely to lead to tunneling. Note: The scene must have PxSceneFlag::eENABLE_CCD enabled to use this feature.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eCONTACT_DEFAULT' : Provided default flag to do simple contact processing for this collision pair.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eMODIFY_CONTACTS' : Call contact modification callback for this collision pair.

Call contact modification callback for this collision pair. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FEATURE_INDICES_PER_POINT' : Provide feature indices per contact point in contact reports for this collision pair.

Provide feature indices per contact point in contact reports for this collision pair. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCE_PER_POINT' : Provide contact forces per contact point in contact reports for this collision pair.

Provide contact forces per contact point in contact reports for this collision pair. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_FORCES' : Provide the (summed total) friction force and normal force in contact reports for this collision pair (see PxContactPair).

Provide the (summed total) friction force and normal force in contact reports for this collision pair (see PxContactPair). Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_CONTACT_POINTS' : Provide contact points in contact reports for this collision pair.

Provide contact points in contact reports for this collision pair. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_FOUND' : Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair exceeds one of the actor-defined force thresholds.

Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair exceeds one of the actor-defined force thresholds. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_LOST' : Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair falls below one of the actor-defined force thresholds (includes the case where this collision pair stops being in contact).

Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair falls below one of the actor-defined force thresholds (includes the case where this collision pair stops being in contact). Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_THRESHOLD_FORCE_PERSISTS' : Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair continues to exceed one of the actor-defined force thresholds

Call contact report callback when the contact force between the actors of this collision pair continues to exceed one of the actor-defined force thresholds. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_FOUND' : Call contact report callback or trigger callback when this collision pair starts to be in contact

Call contact report callback or trigger callback when this collision pair starts to be in contact. If one of the two collision objects is a trigger shape (see PxShapeFlag::eTRIGGER_SHAPE) then the trigger callback will get called as soon as the other object enters the trigger volume. If none of the two collision objects is a trigger shape then the contact report callback will get called when the actors of this collision pair start to be in contact. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_LOST' : Call contact report callback or trigger callback when this collision pair stops to be in contact.

Call contact report callback or trigger callback when this collision pair stops to be in contact. If one of the two collision objects is a trigger shape (see PxShapeFlag::eTRIGGER_SHAPE) then the trigger callback will get called as soon as the other object leaves the trigger volume. If none of the two collision objects is a trigger shape then the contact report callback will get called when the actors of this collision pair stop to be in contact. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_PERSISTS' : Call contact report callback or trigger callback while this collision pair is in contact

Process the contacts of this collision pair in the dynamics solver. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eRESOLVE_CONTACTS' : Process the contacts of this collision pair in the dynamics solver.

Process the contacts of this collision pair in the dynamics solver. Note: Only takes effect if the colliding actors are rigid bodies.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.contactReportFlags.eTRIGGER_DEFAULT' : Provided default flag to get commonly used trigger behavior for this collision pair.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.dominanceGroup' : Assigns dynamic actors a dominance group identifier.

Assigns dynamic actors a dominance group identifier. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eDISABLE_GRAVITY' : Disables scene gravity for this actor

Disables scene gravity for this actor. This flag will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eSEND_SLEEP_NOTIFIES' : Enables the sending of PxSimulationEventCallback::onWake() and PxSimulationEventCallback::onSleep() notify events

Enables the sending of PxSimulationEventCallback::onWake() and PxSimulationEventCallback::onSleep() notify events. This flag will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for this actor

Enable debug renderer for this actor. This flag will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer.

Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.ownerClient' : Sets the owner client of an actor.

Sets the owner client of an actor. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ActorDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer

Optional user data pointer. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.angularDamping' : Sets the angular damping coefficient

Sets the angular damping coefficient. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.contactReportThreshold' : The force threshold for contact reports

The force threshold for contact reports. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.density' : The density of the body. Used to compute the mass of the body.

The density of the body. Used to compute the mass of the body. If the body descriptor contains a zero mass but the actor descriptor contains a non-zero density, we compute a new mass automatically from the density and a shapes. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eENABLE_CCD' : Enables swept integration for the actor.

Enables swept integration for the actor. If this flag is raised and swept integration is enabled on the scene, then this body will be simulated by the CCD system to ensure that collisions are not missed due to high-speed motion. Note, individual shape pairs still need to enable PxPairFlag::eCCD_LINEAR in the collision filtering to enable the CCD to respond to individual interactions.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eKINEMATIC' : Enables kinematic mode for the actor

Kinematic actors are special dynamic actors that are not influenced by forces (such as gravity), and have no momentum. They are considered to have infinite mass and can be moved around the world using the moveKinematic() method. They will push regular dynamic actors out of the way. Kinematics will not collide with static or other kinematic objects. Kinematic actors are great for moving platforms or characters, where direct motion control is desired. You can not connect Reduced joints to kinematic actors. Lagrange joints work ok if the platform is moving with a relatively low, uniform velocity. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.linearDamping' : Linear damping applied to the body

Linear damping applied to the body. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.maxAngularVelocity' : Maximum allowed angular velocity

Maximum allowed angular velocity. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepLinearVelocity' : Maximum linear velocity at which body can go to sleep

Maximum linear velocity at which body can go to sleep. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepThreshold' : Sets the mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep.

Sets the mass-normalized kinetic energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.solverIterationCount' : Sets the solver iteration counts for the body

Sets the solver iteration counts for the body. The solver iteration count determines how accurately joints and contacts are resolved. If you are having trouble with jointed bodies oscillating and behaving erratically, then setting a higher position iteration count may improve their stability. If intersecting bodies are being depenetrated too violently, increase the number of velocity iterations.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.velocityIterationCount' : Sets the velocity solver iteration counts for the body

Sets the velocity solver iteration counts for the body. The solver iteration count determines how accurately joints and contacts are resolved. If you are having trouble with jointed bodies oscillating and behaving erratically, then setting a higher position iteration count may improve their stability. If intersecting bodies are being depenetrated too violently, increase the number of velocity iterations.

'p3BodyDescTemplate.wakeUpCounter' : The bodys initial wake up counter

The bodys initial wake up counter. This will be applied to all actors generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.contactOffset' : Sets the contact offset

Sets the contact offset; if -1 it uses the global default. This is applied to all shapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eDEFORMABLE_DRAIN' : Sets the shape to be a deformable drain

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.ePARTICLE_DRAIN' : Sets the shape to be a particle drain

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE' : The shape will partake in scene queries (ray casts, overlap tests, sweeps, ...).

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE' : The shape will partake in collision in the physical simulation.

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eTRIGGER_SHAPE' : The shape is a trigger which can send reports whenever other shapes enter/leave its volume.

The shape is a trigger which can send reports whenever other shapes enter/leave its volume. Note: Triangle meshes and heightfields can not be triggers. Shape creation will fail in these cases. Shapes marked as triggers do not collide with other objects. If an object should act both as a trigger shape and a collision shape then create a rigid body with two shapes, one being a trigger shape and the other a collision shape.

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for this shape

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.material' : A PxMaterial pointer for the shape

A PxMaterial pointer for the shape. This is applied to all shapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape.

Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer. This is applied to all shapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word0' : word0 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word1' : word1 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word2' : word2 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word3' : word3 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.restOffset' : Sets the rest offset

Sets the rest offset; if -1 it uses the global default. This is applied to all shapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word0' : word0 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word1' : word1 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word2' : word2 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word3' : word3 of the filter data

'p3ShapeDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer

Optional user data pointer. This is applied to all shapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'performDetailedOverlapTestForExtendedStructures' : When testing for chunk overlap with other destructibles, perform detailed collision test. Otherwise, just test AABBs.

When testing for chunk overlap with other destructibles in an extended structure (see formExtendedStructures), perform detailed collision test. Otherwise, just test AABBs. Default = TRUE.

'renderStaticChunksSeparately' : Whether or not to render static chunks in a separate mesh

If true, static chunks will be renderered separately from dynamic chunks, as a single mesh (not using skinning). This parameter is ignored if the 'dynamic' parameter is true. Default value = false.

'scale' : 3D Scale

3D Scale

'shapeDescTemplate.collisionGroup' : Sets which collision group shapes are part of.

Sets which collision group shapes are part of. Default group is 0. Maximum possible group is 31. Collision groups are sets of shapes which may or may not be set to collision detect with each other; this can be set using NxScene::setGroupCollisionFlag() Sleeping: Does NOT wake the associated actor up automatically. param[in] collisionGroup The collision group for shapes. This is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.density' : The density of an individual shape.

The density of this individual shape when computing mass inertial properties for a rigidbody (unless a valid mass >0.0 is provided). Note that this will only be used if the body has a zero inertia tensor, or if you call NxActor::updateMassFromShapes explicitly. This is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision with cloths.

Disable collision with cloths. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_DRAIN' : Sets a shape to be a cloth drain.

Sets a shape to be a cloth drain. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_CLOTH_TWOWAY' : Enables the reaction of a shapes actor on cloth collision.

Enables the reaction of a shapes actor on cloth collision. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision detection for shapes (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION)

Disable collision detection for shapes (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION). This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RAYCASTING' : Disable raycasting for shapes

Disable raycasting for shapes. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_RESPONSE' : Disable collision response for shapes (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE)

Disable collision response for shapes (counterpart of NX_AF_DISABLE_RESPONSE). This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DISABLE_SCENE_QUERIES' : Disable participation in ray casts, overlap tests and sweeps.

Disable participation in ray casts, overlap tests and sweeps. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_DYNAMIC_DYNAMIC_CCD' : Enable dynamic-dynamic CCD for shapes. Used only when CCD is globally enabled and shape have a CCD skeleton.

Enable dynamic-dynamic CCD for shapes. Used only when CCD is globally enabled and shape have a CCD skeleton. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FEATURE_INDICES' : Enable feature indices in contact stream.

Enable feature indices in contact stream. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision with fluids.

Disable collision with fluids. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_DRAIN' : Sets a shape to be a fluid drain.

Sets a shape to be a fluid drain. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_FLUID_TWOWAY' : Enables the reaction of a shapes actor on fluid collision.

Enables the reaction of a shapes actor on fluid collision. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_POINT_CONTACT_FORCE' : Enable contact force reporting per contact point in contact stream (otherwise we only report force per actor pair)

Enable contact force reporting per contact point in contact stream (otherwise we only report force per actor pair). This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_DISABLE_COLLISION' : Disable collision with soft bodies.

Disable collision with soft bodies. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_DRAIN' : Sets a shape to be a soft body drain.

Sets a shape to be a soft body drain. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_SOFTBODY_TWOWAY' : Enables the reaction of a shape's actor on soft body collision.

Enables the reaction of a shape's actor on soft body collision. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_SF_VISUALIZATION' : Enable debug renderer for shapes

Enable debug renderer for shapes. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_ENTER' : Trigger callback will be called when a shape enters the trigger volume.

Trigger callback will be called when a shape enters the trigger volume. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_LEAVE' : Trigger callback will be called after a shape leaves the trigger volume.

Trigger callback will be called after a shape leaves the trigger volume. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.flags.NX_TRIGGER_ON_STAY' : Trigger callback will be called while a shape is intersecting the trigger volume.

Trigger callback will be called while a shape is intersecting the trigger volume. This flag is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits0' : bits0 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits0 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits1' : bits1 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits1 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits2' : bits2 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits2 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.bits3' : bits3 of the groups mask

If useGroupsMask is true, this is bits3 of the groups mask. See the PhysX documentation for more on groups masks.

'shapeDescTemplate.groupsMask.useGroupsMask' : Whether or not the groupsMask should be used

Whether or not the groupsMask should be used. If so, then this will be applied to all NxShapes created to represent this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.materialIndex' : The material index of a shape.

The material index of a shape. This is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.name' : Optional name string for a shape.

Optional name string for a shape; must be set by the application and must be a persistent pointer. This is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.skinWidth' : Specifies by how much shapes can interpenetrate; if -1 it uses the global default

Specifies by how much shapes can interpenetrate; if -1 it uses the global default. This is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'shapeDescTemplate.userData' : Optional user data pointer

Optional user data pointer. This is applied to all NxShapes generated for this destructible's chunks.

'sleepVelocityFrameDecayConstant' : Frame memory decay constant used for actor velocity smoothing. Valid range: [1.0,infinity).

Frame memory decay constant used for actor velocity smoothing. Valid range: [1.0,infinity). Roughly speaking, the number of frames for which past velocities have significance. A value of 1.0 (or less) gives no smoothing.

'structureSettings.stressSolverMassThreshold' : The structure containing this actor will use the minimum stressSolverMassThreshold of all actors in the structure.

Determines the minimum threshold mass to meet before an indentified overly-strained link breaks. This mass threshold is part of the condition that the stress solver uses to qualify whether a link is overly-strained. The accumulated sum of the chunk masses that the link is supporting will be used against this value. This should always be some positive value.

'structureSettings.stressSolverTimeDelay' : The structure containing this actor will use the minimum stressSolverTimeDelay of all actors in the structure.

Determines the amount of time to run down until an identified overly-strained link breaks. From the time the stress solver qualifies a link as being overly-strained, this value will be used to count down to the actual breaking-off event being executed. This should always be some positive value.

'structureSettings.useStressSolver' : If true, the structure containing this actor will use the stress solver.

Determines whether to invoke the use of the stress solver. The stress solver is a self-checking mechanism employed within the structure, with the purpose of detecting and breaking off overly-strained links to masses of chunks. Its behavior can be tweaked by customizing the parameters stressSolverTimeDelay and stressSolverMassThreshold.

'supportDepth' : The chunk hierarchy depth at which to create a support graph.

The chunk hierarchy depth at which to create a support graph. Higher depth levels give more detailed support, but will give a higher computational load. Chunks below the support depth will never be supported.

'useAssetDefinedSupport' : If set, then chunks which are tagged as 'support' chunks

If set, then chunks which are tagged as 'support' chunks (via NxDestructibleChunkDesc::isSupportChunk) will have environmental support in static destructibles. Note: if both ASSET_DEFINED_SUPPORT and WORLD_SUPPORT are set, then chunks must be tagged as 'support' chunks AND overlap the NxScene's static geometry in order to be environmentally supported.

'useHardSleeping' : If true, turn chunk islands kinematic when they sleep.

If true, turn chunk islands kinematic when they sleep. These islands may be turned dynamic again if enough damage is applied.

'useWorldSupport' : If set, then chunks which overlap the NxScene's static geometry will have environmental support

If set, then chunks which overlap the NxScene's static geometry will have environmental support in static destructibles. Note: if both ASSET_DEFINED_SUPPORT and WORLD_SUPPORT are set, then chunks must be tagged as 'support' chunks AND overlap the NxScene's static geometry in order to be environmentally supported.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Dec 15 2017 13:59:11

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