


ParamTool is the universal tool to modify NvParameterized assets. It has the ability to convert from and to different formats and platforms.

Running ParamTool.exe -h results in a full usage description. The examples on the bottom cover the most important usage scenarios:

Usage: ParamTool.exe [OPTIONS] [NAME1...]

  -c, -convert-asset             convert files NAME1, ... to single NvParameterized file
  -m, -make-asset                make template asset file for specified assets;
                                 asset names may have format 'className' or 'className@classVersion'
                                 (by default the latest version is used)
  -l, -list                      print file summary: target platform, number of objects,
                                 their classes, names and versions
  -o file, -output file          specify name of destination file
  -s fmt, -serial fmt            specifies ouput serialization format
  -t tgt, -target-platform tgt   specifies target platform
  -pt tag, -platform-tag tag     specifies the platform tag used to prepare the assets for
  -i, -inplace                   use inplace deserialization (for debug)
  -v, -verify                    verify serialized data (for debug)
  -h, -help                      print this help message and exit
  -p, -print-classes             -h + print available APEX Authorable and NvParameterized classes
  -d, -diagnostic                turn on diagnostic messages

  -gv, -get-value "name"         try for '-c mode' get parameter from all input files and
                                 prints: parameter name, value, type, valid status
                                 no necessary to provide output file in this case
                                 valid status is info about if parameter is applicable

  -sv, -set-value "name" "value" try for '-c mode' set value for parameter by it's name
                                 do it for all deserialized objects from input files
                                 print status of this action and serialize result to output

Note that this version of ParamTool does not support legacy asset formats (use APEX 1.0 version for that).

Default values:
If none of -c, -m or -l is specified, -c is used. Note that you can't use
-c (or -l) together with -m.
Default output file (-o) is basename of NAME1 + xml/bin extension.
Default target platform (-t) is current platform.
Default serialization format (-s) is derived from extension of destination file.

Supported serialization formats:
  apx (APex Xml, same as xml)
  apb (APex Binary, same as bin)

Supported platforms:
  VcWin32 (Vc, x86)
  VcWin64 (Vc, x86_64)
  VcXbox, VcXbox360 (Vc, PPC)
  VcXboxOne (Vc, x86_64)
  GccPs3 (Gcc, Cell)
  GccPs4 (Gcc, x86_64)
  Pib (artificial platform which results in smaller asset files)


convert all xml assets in current directory to single bin asset:
  ParamTool *.apx -o allAssets.apb

convert binary asset to xml asset:
  ParamTool -s apx leafMesh.apb

make NvParameterized file with several assets having default values (latest versions):
  ParamTool -m -s apx -o legacyClothing.apb ExplosionEnvParameters ShapeConvexParams

make NvParameterized file with several assets (with explicit versions):
  ParamTool -m -s apx -o legacyClothing.apb [email protected] [email protected]

prepare an asset for a given platform tag, which has to be stored in the asset:
  ParamTool clothingAsset.apb -pt Xbox -o clothingAsset_Xbox.apb

print file summary: target platform, number of objects, their classes, names and versions:
  ParamTool -l clothingAsset.apb

get 'comment' parameter and prints parameter name, value, type, valid status per concrete input file:
  ParamTool -gv comments Block_Realtime.apx Wall.apb

try to set 'comment' parameter. Save result to Block_RealtimeTemp.apx:
  ParamTool -sv comments "test" Block_Realtime.apx -o Block_RealtimeTemp.apx