APEX IOFX Module: IofxRenderable.h File Reference


IofxRenderable.h File Reference
#include "foundation/Px.h" #include "ApexInterface.h"
#include "Renderable.h"
#include "IofxRenderCallback.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  nvidia::apex::IofxSharedRenderData
 IofxSharedRenderData stores common render data shared by several IOFX Renderables. More...
struct  nvidia::apex::IofxSpriteSharedRenderData
 IofxSpriteSharedRenderData stores sprite render data shared by several IOFX Renderables. More...
struct  nvidia::apex::IofxMeshSharedRenderData
 IofxMeshSharedRenderData stores mesh render data shared by several IOFX Renderables. More...
struct  nvidia::apex::IofxCommonRenderData
 IofxCommonRenderData stores common render data for one IOFX Renderable. More...
struct  nvidia::apex::IofxSpriteRenderData
 IofxSpriteRenderData stores sprite render data for one IOFX Renderable. More...
struct  nvidia::apex::IofxMeshRenderData
 IofxMeshRenderData stores mesh render data for one IOFX Renderable. More...
class  nvidia::apex::IofxRenderable
 The IOFX renderable represents a unit of rendering. It contains complete information to render a batch of particles with the same material/mesh in the same render volume. More...


namespace  nvidia
namespace  nvidia::apex

Generated on Fri Dec 15 2017 13:59:03

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