NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxParticleBaseFlag Struct Reference


PxParticleBaseFlag Struct Reference
[particles (deprecated)]

ParticleBase flags (deprecated). More...

#include <PxParticleBaseFlag.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Enum {
  eENABLED = (1<<2),
  ePROJECT_TO_PLANE = (1<<3),
  eGPU = (1<<6)

Detailed Description

ParticleBase flags (deprecated).

The PhysX particle feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4

Member Enumeration Documentation

eCOLLISION_TWOWAY  Enable/disable two way collision of particles with the rigid body scene. In either case, particles are influenced by colliding rigid bodies. If eCOLLISION_TWOWAY is not set, rigid bodies are not influenced by colliding particles. Use particleMass to control the strength of the feedback force on rigid bodies.

Switching this flag while the particle system is part of a scene might have a negative impact on performance.

eCOLLISION_WITH_DYNAMIC_ACTORS  Enable/disable collision of particles with dynamic actors. The flag can be turned off as a hint to the sdk to save memory space and execution time. In principle any collisions can be turned off using filters but without or reduced memory and performance benefits.

Switching this flag while the particle system is part of a scene might have a negative impact on performance.

eENABLED  Enable/disable execution of particle simulation.
ePROJECT_TO_PLANE  Defines whether the particles of this particle system should be projected to a plane. This can be used to build 2D applications, for instance. The projection plane is defined by the parameter projectionPlaneNormal and projectionPlaneDistance.
ePER_PARTICLE_REST_OFFSET  Enable/disable per particle rest offsets. Per particle rest offsets can be used to support particles having different sizes with respect to collision.

This configuration cannot be changed after the particle system was created.

ePER_PARTICLE_COLLISION_CACHE_HINT  Ename/disable per particle collision caches. Per particle collision caches improve collision detection performance at the cost of increased memory usage.

Switching this flag while the particle system is part of a scene might have a negative impact on performance.

eGPU  Enable/disable GPU acceleration. Enabling GPU acceleration might fail. In this case the eGPU flag is switched off.

Switching this flag while the particle system is part of a scene might have a negative impact on performance.
See also:
PxScene.removeActor() PxScene.addActor() PxParticleGpu

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