NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxControllerManager Class Reference


PxControllerManager Class Reference

Manages an array of character controllers. More...

#include <PxControllerManager.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void release ()=0
 Releases the controller manager.
virtual PxScenegetScene () const =0
 Returns the scene the manager is adding the controllers to.
virtual PxU32 getNbControllers () const =0
 Returns the number of controllers that are being managed.
virtual PxControllergetController (PxU32 index)=0
 Retrieve one of the controllers in the manager.
virtual PxControllercreateController (const PxControllerDesc &desc)=0
 Creates a new character controller.
virtual void purgeControllers ()=0
 Releases all the controllers that are being managed.
virtual PxRenderBuffergetRenderBuffer ()=0
 Retrieves debug data.
virtual void setDebugRenderingFlags (PxControllerDebugRenderFlags flags)=0
 Sets debug rendering flags.
virtual PxU32 getNbObstacleContexts () const =0
 Returns the number of obstacle contexts that are being managed.
virtual PxObstacleContextgetObstacleContext (PxU32 index)=0
 Retrieve one of the obstacle contexts in the manager.
virtual PxObstacleContextcreateObstacleContext ()=0
 Creates an obstacle context.
virtual void computeInteractions (PxF32 elapsedTime, PxControllerFilterCallback *cctFilterCb=NULL)=0
 Computes character-character interactions.
virtual void setTessellation (bool flag, float maxEdgeLength)=0
 Enables or disables runtime tessellation.
virtual void setOverlapRecoveryModule (bool flag)=0
 Enables or disables the overlap recovery module.
virtual void setPreciseSweeps (bool flag)=0
 Enables or disables the precise sweeps.
virtual void setPreventVerticalSlidingAgainstCeiling (bool flag)=0
 Enables or disables vertical sliding against ceilings.
virtual void shiftOrigin (const PxVec3 &shift)=0
 Shift the origin of the character controllers and obstacle objects by the specified vector.

Protected Member Functions

 PxControllerManager ()
virtual ~PxControllerManager ()

Detailed Description

Manages an array of character controllers.

See also:
PxController PxBoxController PxCapsuleController

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PxControllerManager::PxControllerManager (  )  [inline, protected]

virtual PxControllerManager::~PxControllerManager (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void PxControllerManager::computeInteractions ( PxF32  elapsedTime,
PxControllerFilterCallback cctFilterCb = NULL 
) [pure virtual]

Computes character-character interactions.

This function is an optional helper to properly resolve interactions between characters, in case they overlap (which can happen for gameplay reasons, etc).

You should call this once per frame, before your PxController::move() calls. The function will not move the characters directly, but it will compute overlap information for each character that will be used in the next move() call.

You need to provide a proper time value here so that interactions are resolved in a way that do not depend on the framerate.

If you only have one character in the scene, or if you can guarantee your characters will never overlap, then you do not need to call this function.

Releasing the manager will automatically release all the associated obstacle contexts.
[in] elapsedTime Elapsed time since last call
[in] cctFilterCb Filtering callback for CCT-vs-CCT interactions

virtual PxController* PxControllerManager::createController ( const PxControllerDesc desc  )  [pure virtual]

Creates a new character controller.

[in] desc The controllers descriptor
The new controller
See also:
PxController PxController.release() PxControllerDesc

virtual PxObstacleContext* PxControllerManager::createObstacleContext (  )  [pure virtual]

Creates an obstacle context.

New obstacle context
See also:

virtual PxController* PxControllerManager::getController ( PxU32  index  )  [pure virtual]

Retrieve one of the controllers in the manager.

index the index of the controller to return
The controller with the specified index.

virtual PxU32 PxControllerManager::getNbControllers (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of controllers that are being managed.

The number of controllers.

virtual PxU32 PxControllerManager::getNbObstacleContexts (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of obstacle contexts that are being managed.

The number of obstacle contexts.

virtual PxObstacleContext* PxControllerManager::getObstacleContext ( PxU32  index  )  [pure virtual]

Retrieve one of the obstacle contexts in the manager.

index The index of the obstacle context to retrieve.
The obstacle context with the specified index.

virtual PxRenderBuffer& PxControllerManager::getRenderBuffer (  )  [pure virtual]

Retrieves debug data.

The render buffer filled with debug-render data
See also:

virtual PxScene& PxControllerManager::getScene (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the scene the manager is adding the controllers to.

The associated physics scene.

virtual void PxControllerManager::purgeControllers (  )  [pure virtual]

Releases all the controllers that are being managed.

virtual void PxControllerManager::release (  )  [pure virtual]

Releases the controller manager.

This will release all associated controllers and obstacle contexts.

This function is required to be called to release foundation usage.

virtual void PxControllerManager::setDebugRenderingFlags ( PxControllerDebugRenderFlags  flags  )  [pure virtual]

Sets debug rendering flags.

[in] flags The debug rendering flags (combination of PxControllerDebugRenderFlags)
See also:
PxControllerManager.getRenderBuffer() PxControllerDebugRenderFlags

virtual void PxControllerManager::setOverlapRecoveryModule ( bool  flag  )  [pure virtual]

Enables or disables the overlap recovery module.

The overlap recovery module can be used to depenetrate CCTs from static objects when an overlap is detected. This can happen in three main cases:

  • when the CCT is directly spawned or teleported in another object
  • when the CCT algorithm fails due to limited FPU accuracy
  • when the "up vector" is modified, making the rotated CCT shape overlap surrounding objects

When activated, the CCT module will automatically try to resolve the penetration, and move the CCT to a safe place where it does not overlap other objects anymore. This only concerns static objects, dynamic objects are ignored by the recovery module.

When the recovery module is not activated, it is possible for the CCTs to go through static objects. By default, the recovery module is enabled.

The recovery module currently works with all geometries except heightfields.

[in] flag True/false to enable/disable overlap recovery module.

virtual void PxControllerManager::setPreciseSweeps ( bool  flag  )  [pure virtual]

Enables or disables the precise sweeps.

Precise sweeps are more accurate, but also potentially slower than regular sweeps.

By default, precise sweeps are enabled.

[in] flag True/false to enable/disable precise sweeps.

virtual void PxControllerManager::setPreventVerticalSlidingAgainstCeiling ( bool  flag  )  [pure virtual]

Enables or disables vertical sliding against ceilings.

Geometry is seen as "ceilings" when the following condition is met:

dot product(contact normal, up direction)<0.0f

This flag controls whether characters should slide vertically along the geometry in that case.

By default, sliding is allowed.

[in] flag True/false to enable/disable sliding.

virtual void PxControllerManager::setTessellation ( bool  flag,
float  maxEdgeLength 
) [pure virtual]

Enables or disables runtime tessellation.

Large triangles can create accuracy issues in the sweep code, which in turn can lead to characters not sliding smoothly against geometries, or even penetrating them. This feature allows one to reduce those issues by tessellating large triangles at runtime, before performing sweeps against them. The amount of tessellation is controlled by the 'maxEdgeLength' parameter. Any triangle with at least one edge length greater than the maxEdgeLength will get recursively tessellated, until resulting triangles are small enough.

This features only applies to triangle meshes, convex meshes, heightfields and boxes.

[in] flag True/false to enable/disable runtime tessellation.
[in] maxEdgeLength Max edge length allowed before tessellation kicks in.

virtual void PxControllerManager::shiftOrigin ( const PxVec3 shift  )  [pure virtual]

Shift the origin of the character controllers and obstacle objects by the specified vector.

The positions of all character controllers, obstacle objects and the corresponding data structures will get adjusted to reflect the shifted origin location (the shift vector will get subtracted from all character controller and obstacle object positions).

It is the user's responsibility to keep track of the summed total origin shift and adjust all input/output to/from PhysXCharacterKinematic accordingly.

This call will not automatically shift the PhysX scene and its objects. You need to call PxScene::shiftOrigin() seperately to keep the systems in sync.

[in] shift Translation vector to shift the origin by.

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