
NI-IMAQdx Function Reference



rval = IMAQdxRegisterPnpEvent (IMAQdxSession id, IMAQdxPnpEvent event, PnpEventCallbackPtr callbackFunction, void *callbackData);


Configures the NI-IMAQdx driver to execute a callback function when a plug and play event occurs.

Note  Make sure that the code inside the callback is thread safe since the callback executes in a different thread.


Parameter Type Description
id IMAQdxSession A valid Session ID, which you can obtain using IMAQdxOpenCamera.
event IMAQdxPnpEvent The plug and play event to monitor. The following events are valid:
  • IMAQdxPnpEventCameraAttached: Callback fired when a new camera is attached.

  • IMAQdxPnpEventCameraDetached: Callback fired when the camera is detached.

  • IMAQdxPnpEventBusReset: Callback fired when a FireWire bus reset occurs.

callbackFunction PnpEventCallbackPtr The address of the callback function.
callback Data void * A pointer to user-defined data passed to the event function.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMAQdxErrorSuccess. On failure, this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with IMAQdxGetErrorString.