
NI-IMAQdx Function Reference



rval = IMAQdxReadMemory (IMAQdxSession id, unsigned int offset, const char *values, unsigned int count);


Accesses registers on the camera and reads a string from the camera.


Parameter Type Description
id IMAQdxSession A valid Session ID, which you can obtain using IMAQdxOpenCamera.
offset unsigned int The register location to access. Refer to the camera documentation for more information about camera-specific register ranges. Use attribute IMAQdxAttributeBaseAddress to obtain the base address for the camera.
values const charĀ * Specifies the string read from the memory offset.
count unsigned int Specifies the maximum length of the string read from the memory offset.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMAQdxErrorSuccess. On failure, this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with IMAQdxGetErrorString or, if you are using Microsoft Visual Basic, IMAQdxGetErrorStringCW.