Attributes by Name

NI-IMAQdx Function Reference

Attributes by Name

The following table, sorted by attribute name, describes the attributes you can use with the attribute functions.

Attribute Name Attribute Type Description
IMAQdxAttributeBaseAddress CameraInformation::BaseAddress U32 Read only. Gets the base address of the camera registers.
IMAQdxAttributeBusType CameraInformation::BusType Enum Read only. Gets the bus type of the camera.
IMAQdxAttributeModelName CameraInformation::ModelName String Read only. Returns the model name.
IMAQdxAttributeSerialNumberHigh CameraInformation::SerialNumberHigh U32 Read only. Gets the upper 32-bits of the camera 64-bit serial number.
IMAQdxAttributeSerialNumberLow CameraInformation::SerialNumberLow U32 Read only. Gets the lower 32-bits of the camera 64-bit serial number.
IMAQdxAttributeVendorName CameraInformation::VendorName String Read only. Returns the vendor name.
IMAQdxAttributeHostIPAddress CameraInformation::HostIPAddress String Read only. Returns the host adapter IP address.
IMAQdxAttributeIPAddress CameraInformation::IPAddress String Read only. Returns the IP address.
IMAQdxAttributePrimaryURLString CameraInformation::PrimaryURLString String Read only. Gets the camera's primary URL string.
IMAQdxAttributeSecondaryURLString CameraInformation::SecondaryURLString String Read only. Gets the camera's secondary URL string.
IMAQdxAttributeAcqInProgress StatusInformation::AcqInProgress Bool Read only. Gets the current state of the acquisition. TRUE if acquiring; otherwise FALSE.
IMAQdxAttributeLastBufferCount StatusInformation::LastBufferCount U32 Read only. Gets the number of transferred buffers.
IMAQdxAttributeLastBufferNumber StatusInformation::LastBufferNumber U32 Read only. Gets the last cumulative buffer number transferred.
IMAQdxAttributeLostBufferCount StatusInformation::LostBufferCount U32 Read only. Gets the number of lost buffers during an acquisition session.
IMAQdxAttributeLostPacketCount StatusInformation::LostPacketCount U32 Read only. Gets the number of lost packets during an acquisition session.
IMAQdxAttributeRequestedResendPackets StatusInformation::RequestedResendPacketCount U32 Read only. Gets the number of packets requested to be resent during an acquisition session.
IMAQdxAttributeReceivedResendPackets StatusInformation::ReceivedResendPackets U32 Read only. Gets the number of packets that were requested to be resent during an acquisition session and were completed.
IMAQdxAttributeBayerGainB AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::GainB F64 Sets/gets the white balance gain for the blue component of the Bayer conversion.
IMAQdxAttributeBayerGainG AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::GainG F64 Sets/gets the white balance gain for the green component of the Bayer conversion.
IMAQdxAttributeBayerGainR AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::GainR F64 Sets/gets the white balance gain for the red component of the Bayer conversion.
IMAQdxAttributeBayerPattern AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::Pattern Enum Sets/gets the Bayer pattern to use.
IMAQdxAttributeStreamChannelMode AcquisitionAttributes::Controller::StreamChannelMode Enum Gets/sets the mode for allocating a FireWire stream channel.
IMAQdxAttributeDesiredStreamChannel AcquisitionAttributes::Controller::DesiredStreamChannel U32 Gets/sets the stream channel to manually allocate.
IMAQdxAttributeFrameInterval AcquisitionAttributes::FrameInterval U32 Read only. Gets the duration in milliseconds between successive frames.
IMAQdxAttributeIgnoreFirstFrame AcquisitionAttributes::IgnoreFirstFrame Bool Gets/sets the video delay of one frame between starting the camera and receiving the video feed.
IMAQdxAttributeOffsetX OffsetX U32 Gets/sets the left offset of the image.
IMAQdxAttributeOffsetY OffsetY U32 Gets/sets the top offset of the image.
IMAQdxAttributeWidth Width U32 Gets/sets the width of the image.
IMAQdxAttributeHeight Height U32 Gets/sets the height of the image.
IMAQdxAttributePixelFormat PixelFormat U32 Gets/sets the pixel format of the source sensor.
IMAQdxAttributePacketSize PacketSize U32 Gets/sets the packet size in bytes.
IMAQdxAttributePayloadSize PayloadSize U32 Gets/sets the frame size in bytes.
IMAQdxAttributeSpeed AcquisitionAttributes::Speed Enum Gets/sets the transfer speed in Mbps for a FireWire packet.
IMAQdxAttributeShiftPixelBits AcquisitionAttributes::ShiftPixelBits Bool Gets/sets the alignment of 16-bit cameras. Downshift the pixel bits if the camera returns most significant bit-aligned data.
IMAQdxAttributeSwapPixelBytes AcquisitionAttributes::SwapPixelBytes Bool Gets/sets the endianness of 16-bit cameras. Swap the pixel bytes if the camera returns little endian data.
IMAQdxAttributeOverwriteMode AcquisitionAttributes::OverwriteMode Enum Gets/sets the overwrite mode, used to determine acquisition when an image transfer cannot be completed due to an overwritten internal buffer.
IMAQdxAttributeTimeout AcquisitionAttributes::Timeout U32 Gets/sets the timeout value in milliseconds, used to abort an acquisition when the image transfer cannot be completed within the delay.
IMAQdxAttributeVideoMode AcquisitionAttributes::VideoMode U32 Gets/sets the video mode for a camera.
IMAQdxAttributeBitsPerPixel AcquisitionAttributes::BitsPerPixel Enum Gets/sets the actual bits per pixel. For 16-bit components, this represents the actual bit depth (10-, 12-, 14-, or 16-bit).
IMAQdxAttributeReserveDualPackets AcquisitionAttributes::ReserveDualPackets Bool Gets/sets if dual packets will be reserved for a very large FireWire packet.
IMAQdxAttributeReceiveTimestampMode AcquisitionAttributes::ReceiveTimestampMode Enum Gets/sets the mode for timestamping images received by the driver.
IMAQdxAttributeActualPeakBandwidth AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::BandwidthControl::ActualPeakBandwidth F64 Read only. Returns the actual maximum peak bandwidth the camera will be configured to use.
IMAQdxAttributeDesiredPeakBandwidth AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::BandwidthControl::DesiredPeakBandwidth F64 Gets/sets the desired maximum peak bandwidth the camera should use.
IMAQdxAttributeDestinationMode AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::Controller::DestinationMode Enum Gets/Sets where the camera is instructed to send the image stream.
IMAQdxAttributeDestinationMulticastAddress AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::Controller::DestinationMulticastAddress String Gets/Sets the multicast address the camera should send data in multicast mode.
IMAQdxAttributeLostPacketMode AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::LostPacketMode Enum Gets/sets the behavior when the user extracts a buffer that has missing packets.
IMAQdxAttributeMemoryWindowSize AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::MemoryWindowSize U32 Gets/sets the size of the memory window of the camera in kilobytes. Should match the camera's internal buffer size.
IMAQdxAttributeResendsEnabled AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::ResendsEnabled Bool Gets/sets if resends will be issued for missing packets.
IMAQdxAttributeResendThresholdPercentage AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::ResendThresholdPercentage U32 Gets/sets the threshold of the packet processing window that will trigger packets to be resent.
IMAQdxAttributeResendBatchingPercentage AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::ResendBatchingPercentage U32 Gets/sets the percent of the packet resend threshold that will be issued as one group past the initial threshold sent in a single request.
IMAQdxAttributeMaxResendsPerPacket AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::MaxResendsPerPacket U32 Gets/sets the maximum number of resend requests that will be issued for a missing packet.
IMAQdxAttributeResendResponseTimeout AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::ResendResponseTimeout U32 Gets/sets the time to wait for a resend request to be satisfied before sending another.
IMAQdxAttributeNewPacketTimeout AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::NewPacketTimeout U32 Gets/sets the time to wait for new packets to arrive in a partially completed image before assuming the rest of the image was lost.
IMAQdxAttributeMissingPacketTimeout AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::MissingPacketTimeout U32 Gets/sets the time to wait for a missing packet before issuing a resend.
IMAQdxAttributeResendTimerResolution AcquisitionAttributes::AdvancedEthernet::ResendParameters::ResendTimerResolution U32 Gets/sets the resolution of the packet processing system that is used for all packet-related timeouts.