LabWindows/CVI Function Tree

NI-IMAQdx Function Reference

LabWindows/CVI Function Tree

The following table shows the LabWindows/CVI function panel that corresponds to each NI-IMAQdx function.

Class/Panel Name Function Name Description
High-Level Acquisition    


IMAQdxSnap Configures, starts, acquires, and unconfigures a snap acquisition.

Configure Grab

IMAQdxConfigureGrab Configures and starts a grab acquisition. A grab performs an acquisition that loops continually on a ring of buffers.


IMAQdxGrab Acquires the most current frame into image.


IMAQdxSequence Configures, starts, acquires, stops, and unconfigures a sequence acquisition. Use this function to capture multiple images.
Low-Level Session    

Reset Ethernet Camera Address

IMAQdxResetEthernetCameraAddress Use this function to reset Ethernet cameras on the network with a local subnet. This function will be blocked and will return when the reset is complete or after the specified timeout.

Discover Ethernet Cameras

IMAQdxDiscoverEthernetCameras Initiates a round of Ethernet camera discovery. Use this function to find Ethernet cameras on the network with a remote subnet.

Enumerate Cameras

IMAQdxEnumerateCameras Returns a list of all cameras on the host computer.

Reset Camera

IMAQdxResetCamera Performs a manual reset on a camera. Stops any ongoing acquisitions.

Open Camera

IMAQdxOpenCamera Opens a camera, queries the camera for its capabilities, loads a camera configuration file, and creates a unique reference to the camera.

Close Camera

IMAQdxCloseCamera Stops an acquisition in progress, releases resources associated with an acquisition, and closes the specified Camera Session.
Low-Level Acquisition    

Configure Acquisition

IMAQdxConfigureAcquisition Configures a low-level acquisition previously opened with IMAQdxOpenCamera.

Start Acquisition

IMAQdxStartAcquisition Starts an acquisition that was previously configured with IMAQdxConfigureAcquisition.

Get Image

IMAQdxGetImage Acquires the specified frame into image. Call this function only after calling IMAQdxConfigureAcquisition.

Get Image Data

IMAQdxGetImageData Copies the raw data of the specified frame into buffer. Call this function only after calling IMAQdxConfigureAcquisition.

Stop Acquisition

IMAQdxStopAcquisition Stops an acquisition previously started with IMAQdxStartAcquisition.

Unconfigure Acquisition

IMAQdxUnconfigureAcquisition Unconfigures an acquisition previously configured with IMAQdxConfigureAcquisition.
Low-Level Attribute    

Enumerate Video Modes

IMAQdxEnumerateVideoModes Returns a list of video modes supported by the camera.

Enumerate Attributes

IMAQdxEnumerateAttributes2 Gets the attributes supported by the camera.

Get Attribute

IMAQdxGetAttribute Gets the current value for a camera attribute.

Set Attribute

IMAQdxSetAttribute Sets the value for a camera attribute.

Get Attribute Minimum

IMAQdxGetAttributeMinimum Gets the minimum for a camera attribute.

Get Attribute Maximum

IMAQdxGetAttributeMaximum Gets the maximum for a camera attribute.

Get Attribute Increment

IMAQdxGetAttributeIncrement Gets the increment for a camera attribute.

Get Attribute Type

IMAQdxGetAttributeType Gets the attribute type for a camera.

Is Attribute Readable

IMAQdxIsAttributeReadable Gets the read permissions for a camera attribute.

Is Attribute Writable

IMAQdxIsAttributeWritable Gets the write permissions for a camera attribute.

Enumerate Attribute Values

IMAQdxEnumerateAttributeValues Gets the values supported by the camera attribute.

Get Attribute Tooltip

IMAQdxGetAttributeTooltip Gets the tooltip for the camera attribute.

Get Attribute Units

IMAQdxGetAttributeUnits Gets the attribute units for a camera.

Get Attribute Visibility

IMAQdxGetAttributeVisibility Gets the visibility for a camera attribute.

Get Attribute Description

IMAQdxGetAttributeDescription Gets the description for the camera attribute.

Get Attribute Display Name

IMAQdxGetAttributeDisplayName Gets the display name for the camera attribute.

Write Attributes

IMAQdxWriteAttributes Saves a configuration file for a camera.

Read Attributes

IMAQdxReadAttributes Loads a configuration file for a camera.
Low-Level Event    

Register Frame Done Event

IMAQdxRegisterFrameDoneEvent Configures the NI-IMAQdx driver to execute a callback function when a frame done event occurs.

Register Plug and Play Event

IMAQdxRegisterPnpEvent Configures the NI-IMAQdx driver to execute a callback function when a plug and play event occurs.
Low-Level Register    

Write Register

IMAQdxWriteRegister Accesses registers on the camera and writes a 32-bit value to the camera. Data is byte-swapped for big endian alignment before transfer.

Read Register

IMAQdxReadRegister Accesses registers on the camera and reads a 32-bit value from the camera. Data is byte-swapped for little endian alignment after transfer.

Write Memory

IMAQdxWriteMemory Accesses registers on the camera and writes a string to the camera.

Read Memory

IMAQdxReadMemory Accesses registers on the camera and reads a string from the camera.
Low-Level Utility    

Get Error String

IMAQdxGetErrorString Returns a string describing the error code.