
NI-IMAQdx Function Reference



rval = IMAQdxDiscoverEthernetCameras (const char *address, unsigned int timeout);


Detects Ethernet cameras on a network. Use this function to detect Ethernet cameras on a network with a remote subnet. During discovery, this function is blocked and returns after the specified timeout. The address specifies the destination address for the discovery command. The default address is Call this function before calling IMAQdxEnumerateCameras or IMAQdxOpenCamera.


Parameter Type Description
address const char * Address specifies the destination address for the discovery command. The default address is
timeout unsigned int Timeout specifies the time, in milliseconds, allowed for the Ethernet camera discovery to complete. The default timeout is 1000 ms.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMAQdxErrorSuccess. On failure, this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with IMAQdxGetErrorString or, if you are using Microsoft Visual Basic, IMAQdxGetErrorStringCW.