MySqlConnectionStringBuilder Class

MySQL Connector/Net

MySqlConnectionStringBuilder Class
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  System.Data.CommonDbConnectionStringBuilder

Namespace: MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Assembly: MySql.Data (in MySql.Data.dll) Version: 6.9.9
public sealed class MySqlConnectionStringBuilder : DbConnectionStringBuilder
Public NotInheritable Class MySqlConnectionStringBuilder
	Inherits DbConnectionStringBuilder
public ref class MySqlConnectionStringBuilder sealed : public DbConnectionStringBuilder
type MySqlConnectionStringBuilder =  
        inherit DbConnectionStringBuilder

The MySqlConnectionStringBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowBatch
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this connection will allow commands to send multiple SQL statements in one execution.
Public propertyAllowUserVariables
Public propertyAllowZeroDateTime
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates if zero date time values are supported.
Public propertyAutoEnlist
Public propertyBlobAsUTF8ExcludePattern
Gets or sets the pattern that matches the columns that should not be treated as UTF8
Public propertyBlobAsUTF8IncludePattern
Gets or sets the pattern that matches the columns that should be treated as UTF8
Public propertyBrowsableConnectionString
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the ConnectionString property is visible in Visual Studio designers.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public propertyCacheServerProperties
Public propertyCertificateFile
Public propertyCertificatePassword
Public propertyCertificateStoreLocation
Public propertyCertificateThumbprint
Public propertyCharacterSet
Gets or sets the character set that should be used for sending queries to the server.
Public propertyCheckParameters
Public propertyCommandInterceptors
Public propertyConnectionLifeTime
Gets or sets the lifetime of a pooled connection.
Public propertyConnectionProtocol
Gets or sets the protocol that should be used for communicating with MySQL.
Public propertyConnectionReset
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if the connection should be reset when retrieved from the pool.
Public propertyConnectionString
Gets or sets the connection string associated with the DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public propertyConnectionTimeout
Gets or sets the connection timeout.
Public propertyConvertZeroDateTime
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if zero datetime values should be converted to DateTime.MinValue.
Public propertyCount
Gets the current number of keys that are contained within the ConnectionString property.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public propertyDatabase
Gets or sets the name of the database the connection should initially connect to.
Public propertyDefaultCommandTimeout
Gets or sets the default command timeout.
Public propertyDefaultTableCacheAge
Public propertyExceptionInterceptors
Public propertyFabricGroup
Public propertyFabricScope
Public propertyFabricServerMode
Public propertyFunctionsReturnString
Public propertyIgnorePrepare
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if calls to Prepare() should be ignored.
Public propertyIncludeSecurityAsserts
Public propertyIntegratedSecurity
Public propertyInteractiveSession
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Gets a value that indicates whether the DbConnectionStringBuilder has a fixed size.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value that indicates whether the DbConnectionStringBuilder is read-only.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public propertyItem (Overrides DbConnectionStringBuilderItemString.)
Public propertyKeepalive
Public propertyKeys
Gets an ICollection that contains the keys in the DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public propertyLogging
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether logging is enabled.
Public propertyMaximumPoolSize
Gets or sets the maximum connection pool setting.
Public propertyMinimumPoolSize
Gets the minimum connection pool size.
Public propertyOldGuids
Public propertyPassword
Gets or sets the password that should be used to connect with.
Public propertyPersistSecurityInfo
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates if the password should be persisted in the connection string.
Public propertyPipeName
Gets or sets the name of the named pipe that should be used for communicating with MySQL.
Public propertyPooling
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if connection pooling is enabled.
Public propertyPort
Gets or sets the port number that is used when the socket protocol is being used.
Public propertyProcedureCacheSize
Gets or sets the size of the stored procedure cache.
Public propertyReplication
Public propertyRespectBinaryFlags
Public propertyServer
Gets or sets the name of the server.
Public propertyShardingKey
Public propertyShardingTable
Public propertySharedMemoryName
Gets or sets the base name of the shared memory objects used to communicate with MySQL when the shared memory protocol is being used.
Public propertySqlServerMode
Public propertySslMode
Indicates whether to use SSL connections and how to handle server certificate errors.
Public propertyTableCaching
Public propertyTreatBlobsAsUTF8
Indicates whether the driver should treat binary blobs as UTF8
Public propertyTreatTinyAsBoolean
Public propertyUseAffectedRows
Public propertyUseCompression
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this connection should use compression.
Public propertyUseDefaultCommandTimeoutForEF
Public propertyUseOldSyntax Obsolete.
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this connection uses the old style (@) parameter markers or the new (?) style.
Public propertyUsePerformanceMonitor
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if the permon hooks should be enabled.
Public propertyUseProcedureBodies Obsolete.
Public propertyUserID
Gets or sets the user id that should be used to connect with.
Public propertyUseUsageAdvisor
Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if the Usage Advisor should be enabled.
Public propertyValues
Gets an ICollection that contains the values in the DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public methodAdd
Adds an entry with the specified key and value into the DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public methodClear (Overrides DbConnectionStringBuilderClear.)
Protected methodClearPropertyDescriptors
Clears the collection of PropertyDescriptor objects on the associated DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public methodContainsKey (Overrides DbConnectionStringBuilderContainsKey(String).)
Public methodEquals (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquivalentTo
Compares the connection information in this DbConnectionStringBuilder object with the connection information in the supplied object.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetConnectionString
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetProperties
Fills a supplied Hashtable with information about all the properties of this DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemove (Overrides DbConnectionStringBuilderRemove(String).)
Public methodShouldSerialize
Indicates whether the specified key exists in this DbConnectionStringBuilder instance.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public methodToString
Returns the connection string associated with this DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
Public methodTryGetValue
Retrieves a value corresponding to the supplied key from this DbConnectionStringBuilder.
(Inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder.)
See Also