Client.GetInstance Method

MySQL Connector/Net

ClientGetInstance Method
Factory method for creating instances of Client that implement a connection with the requested features. The connection object returned must be explicitely opened see method Open.

Namespace: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Memcached
Assembly: MySql.Data (in MySql.Data.dll) Version: 6.9.9
public static Client GetInstance(
	string server,
	uint port,
	MemcachedFlags flags
Public Shared Function GetInstance ( 
	server As String,
	port As UInteger,
	flags As MemcachedFlags
) As Client
static Client^ GetInstance(
	String^ server, 
	unsigned int port, 
	MemcachedFlags flags
static member GetInstance : 
        server : string * 
        port : uint32 * 
        flags : MemcachedFlags -> Client 


Type: SystemString
The Memcached server DNS or IP address.
Type: SystemUInt32
The port for the Memcached server
Type: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MemcachedMemcachedFlags
A set of flags indicating characterestics requested.

Return Value

Type: Client
An instance of a client connection ready to be used.
See Also