MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar Method (String, String)

MySQL Connector/Net

MySqlHelperExecuteScalar Method (String, String)
Execute a single command against a MySQL database.

Namespace: MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Assembly: MySql.Data (in MySql.Data.dll) Version: 6.9.9
public static Object ExecuteScalar(
	string connectionString,
	string commandText
Public Shared Function ExecuteScalar ( 
	connectionString As String,
	commandText As String
) As Object
static Object^ ExecuteScalar(
	String^ connectionString, 
	String^ commandText
static member ExecuteScalar : 
        connectionString : string * 
        commandText : string -> Object 


Type: SystemString
Settings to use for the update
Type: SystemString
Command text to use for the update

Return Value

Type: Object
The first column of the first row in the result set, or a null reference if the result set is empty.
See Also