Client.Get Method

MySQL Connector/Net

ClientGet Method
Get the key/value pair associated with a given key.

Namespace: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Memcached
Assembly: MySql.Data (in MySql.Data.dll) Version: 6.9.9
public abstract KeyValuePair<string, Object> Get(
	string key
Public MustOverride Function Get ( 
	key As String
) As KeyValuePair(Of String, Object)
virtual KeyValuePair<String^, Object^> Get(
	String^ key
) abstract
abstract Get : 
        key : string -> KeyValuePair<string, Object> 


Type: SystemString
The key for which to returm the key/value.

Return Value

Type: KeyValuePairString, Object
The key/value associated with the key or a MemcachedException if it does not exists.
See Also