Primitive XDR Schema Data Types


Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XML Schemas

Primitive XDR Schema Data Types

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML 1.0 Recommendation defines enumerated types (notations and enumerations) and a set of tokenized types. These types are referred to as primitive types in this Microsoft® XML documentation.

The primitive types include the following, defined in Section 3.3.1 of the W3C XML 1.0 Recommendation.

entity Represents the XML ENTITY type.
entities Represents the XML ENTITIES type.
enumeration Represents an enumerated type (supported on attributes only).
id Represents the XML ID type.
idref Represents the XML IDREF type.
idrefs Represents the XML IDREFS type.
nmtoken Represents the XML NMTOKEN type.
nmtokens Represents the XML NMTOKENS type.
notation Represents a NOTATION type.
string Represents a string type.

See Also

XDR Schema Data Types Reference | XDR Schema Data Types | Supported Data Type Conversions | XDR Schema Developer's Guide | XML Schema Reference