What's New


Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office

What's New

Microsoft® XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office provides several new features not available in previous production releases of MSXML.

  • XML Digital signature

    MSXML 5.0 implements support for XML digital signature, allowing you to sign and verify XML data in DOM documents, DOM nodes, or SAX streams. For more information, see XML Digital Signature.

  • Validation of DOM nodes

    In earlier versions of MSXML, only full DOM documents could be validated. MSXML 5.0 now provides the ability to validate a single DOM node as an XML document fragment against the currently loaded DTD, schema, or schema collection. For more information, see the validateNode method.

  • Import DOM nodes

    MSXML 5.0 provides the means to clone a node from one DOM document, so it can be added later into another DOM document using the appendChild method. For more information, see the importNode method.

  • Additional second-level DOM properties

    With MSXML 5.0, more second-level DOM properties have been introduced that enable you to use the setProperty and getProperty methods to more closely monitor or configure settings that affect XML parsing behavior. For more information, see Second-level properties.

  • Standalone SAX XSD validator

    A new standalone XSD validator, the MXValidator CoClass, has been added to MSXML 5.0 for use in SAX applications. For more information, see the MXValidator CoClass.

  • Modified support for handling inline schemas

    MSXML 5.0 now includes new options in the DOM and SAX APIs that allow for support of inline XSD schemas. For more information, see Using Inline Schemas (XSD).