Provides a convenient way to manage namespaces, namespace prefixes, and namespace URIs for an XML document. With IMXNamespaceManager
, namespace contexts are organized as a stack of namespace declarations. Each push operation pushes a namespace declaration or set of namespace declarations onto the stack. Each pop operation discards everything from the top of the stack. Namespace declarations on the stack have both current and local context.
provides these duplicate methods for C++ processing to avoid the use of BSTR objects for C++. It is not necessary to use BSTR objects because string values are returned in a character buffer.
performs a search from the top of a stack through all of the namespace declarations, until a declaration is found, or until the bottom of the stack is reached.
For C++, all [in] BSTR parameters can be passed as null-terminated wchar_t*.
All indexes are continuous, and start from 0.
checks [in] arguments for prefixes to ensure that the prefix name is valid according to the W3C Namespaces in XML Recommendation. IMXNamespaceManager
does not check URI arguments.
MSXML 4.0 and later
Implementation: msxml5.dll, msxml2.lib
Header and IDL files: msxml2.h, msxml2.idl
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See Also
IMXNamespaceManager Members | IMXNamespacePrefixes
Other Resources 
W3C Namespaces in XML Recommendation