standalone Property


Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

standalone Property

Sets the value of the standalone attribute in the XML declaration to "yes" or "no". If set to True, the XML declaration appears as the following in XML output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>
[Visual Basic]

Usage Syntax

oMXXMLWriter.standalone = boolValue
boolValue = oMXXMLWriter.standalone


Boolean. Read/write. The default value is False. The standalone declaration indicates if a document relies on information from an external source, such as external document type definition (DTD), for its content.

If set to False, the XML parser will accept external resources, if there are any, without reporting an error. If set to True, the parser reports an error if the document references an external DTD or external entities.


The following example reads books.xml and writes the value of the standalone attribute to "yes" in the XML declaration.

Dim rdr As New Msxml2.SAXXMLReader50
Dim cnth As IVBSAXContentHandler
Dim wrt As New MXXMLWriter50
wrt.indent = True
wrt.standalone = True
Set cnth = wrt
Set rdr.contentHandler = cnth
rdr.parseURL ("books.xml")
MsgBox wrt.output


HRESULT standalone (
   [in] VARIANT_BOOL fValue);
HRESULT standalone (
   [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * fValue);


A Boolean expression (True/False) specifying whether the feature is on or off.

Return Values

The value returned if no errors are reported.


Value Description
True The value of standalone is set to "yes".
False (default) The value of standalone is set to "no".

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See Also

Applies to: MXXMLWriter CoClass