
Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup

Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup Device Specification


Purpose This function obtains virtual device interfaces from the virtual device set.
Syntax HRESULT IServerVirtualDeviceSet2::OpenDevice (

   LPCWSTR                     lpName,

   IServerVirtualDevice**      ppVirtualDevice


Parameters Argument Explanation
  lpName This is provided from the first VIRTUAL_DEVICE= clause of the BACKUP or RESTORE command. This name is used as the key to obtain access to the virtual device set created by the client.
  ppVirtualDevice This is used to return a virtual device interface.
Return Values Argument Explanation
  NOERROR The function succeeded.
  VD_E_OPEN All devices have been opened.
Remarks Each call returns the next unopened device. This function can be called only the number of times equal to the number of devices specified in the virtual device set configuration.