
Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup

Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup Device Specification


Purpose The server invokes this function to begin configuration of the virtual device set.
Syntax HRESULT IServerVirtualDeviceSet2::BeginConfiguration (

   DWORD   dwFeatures,

   DWORD   dwAlignment,

   DWORD   dwBlockSize,

   DWORD   dwMaxTransferSize,

   DWORD   dwTimeout


Parameters Argument Explanation
  dwFeatures The modified features mask. VDF_WriteMedia and/or VDF_ReadMedia.
  dwAlignment The final alignment. If 0, defaults to dwBlockSize. Must be a power of 2, >= dwBlockSize and <= 64 KB.
  dwBlockSize The minimum unit of transfer, in bytes. Must be a power of 2, >=512 and <= 64 KB.
  dwMaxTransferSize The largest transfer which will be attempted. Must be a multiple of 64 KB.
  dwTimeout Milliseconds to wait for the primary client to finish declaring buffer areas it will provide.
Return Values Argument Explanation
  NOERROR The virtual device set is in the Configurable state.
  VD_E_ABORT The SignalAbort was invoked.
  VD_E_PROTOCOL The virtual device set is not in the Connected state.
Remarks After this function is invoked, the virtual device set moves to the Configurable state, in which buffer layout is decided.
Once the basic configuration is set (as per the parameters), these values remain fixed for the life of the virtual device set.
The alignment property for the virtual device set is used to control alignment of data buffers. This value sets a minimum alignment value that may be overridden on a buffer-by-buffer basis.