
Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup

Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup Device Specification


Purpose This function sends a command to the client by using a virtual device object returned from IServerVirtualDeviceSet2::OpenDevice.
Syntax HRESULT IServerVirtualDevice::SendCommand (

   VDS_Command*   pCmd


Parameters Argument Explanation
  pCmd This is a pointer to a command request block. For more information, see Commands. The completionFunction field must be set to point to the address of a function with the following signature:

void callbackFunction ( VDS_Command *pCmd);

This callback is made by the completion agent when the client indicates that a command has been completed.

SQL Server sets the completionContext field of the pCmd. Its purpose is to provide context to the callback function.

Return Values Argument Explanation
  NOERROR The command is successfully queued to the client.
  VD_E_QUEUE_FULL The device queue is full.
  VD_E_IO_ERROR The device is in an IO-ERROR state.
  VD_E_PROTOCOL The device is not active.
Remarks When an error occurs while attempting to send the command, the callback function is invoked, and the completionCode in the command buffer is set as follows:





For more information, see Command Error Handling.