
Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup

Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup Device Specification


Purpose This function closes the virtual device set created by IClientVirtualDeviceSet2::Create. It results in the release of all resources associated with the virtual device set.
Syntax HRESULT IClientVirtualDeviceSet2::Close ();
Parameters Argument Explanation
  None Not applicable
Return Values Argument Explanation
  NOERROR This is returned when the virtual device set was successfully closed.
  VD_E_PROTOCOL No action was taken because the virtual device set was not open.
  VD_E_OPEN Devices were still open.
Remarks The invocation of Close is a declaration by the client that all resources used by the virtual device set should be released. The client must ensure that all activity involving data buffers and virtual devices is terminated before invoking Close. All virtual device interfaces returned by OpenDevice are invalidated by Close.

The client is permitted to issue a Create call on the virtual device set interface after the Close call returns. Such a call would create a new virtual device set for a subsequent BACKUP or RESTORE operation.

If Close is called when one or more virtual devices are still open, VD_E_OPEN is returned. In this case, SignalAbort is internally triggered, to ensure a proper shutdown if possible. VDI resources are released. The client should wait for a VD_E_CLOSE indication on each device before invoking IClientVirtualDeviceSet2::Close. If the client knows that the virtual device set is already in an Abnormally Terminated state, then it should not expect a VD_E_CLOSE indication from GetCommand, and may invoke IClientVirtualDeviceSet2::Close as soon as activity on the shared buffers is terminated.

For more information, see Abnormal Termination.