
Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup

Microsoft SQL Server Virtual Backup Device Specification


Purpose This function signals that an abnormal termination should occur.
Syntax HRESULT IServerVirtualDeviceSet2::SignalAbort ();
Parameters Argument Explanation
  None Not applicable
Return Values Argument Explanation
  NOERROR The abort message was successfully posted.
Remarks At any time, the server may choose to abort the BACKUP or RESTORE operation.
This routine signals that all operations should cease. The overall interface enters an abort state. No further commands are accepted on any devices. The completion agent returns ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED for each outstanding request and returns to its caller. Any completions recorded at the client are ignored.
The server ensures that there is no further required use of the buffers or devices returned from the virtual device interface. The server then performs abnormal termination cleanup, which should include calling the IServerVirtualDeviceSet2::Close function.
For more information, see Abnormal Termination.