TipText Property

Microsoft Office Web Components Object Model

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TipText Property


TipText property as it applies to the ChSeries object.

Returns or sets a String that represents the chart ScreenTip text for the specified data series. The chart ScreenTip text is formatted with tokens that represent the values associated with the chart ScreenTip. The following table describes the tokens that can be used to set the ScreenTip text. Read/write.

Token Description
 <N> Where N is a dimension number, returns the name of the dimension.
<value> For data series bound to a PivotTable list, returns the name of the pivot aggregate. Returns the word "Value" for data series that are not bound to a PivotTable list.
<ls> Returns the list separator.
<br> Inserts a line break.
<< Returns the "<" symbol.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChSeries object.


TipText property as it applies to the OCCommand object.

Returns a String that represents the ScreenTip text of the specified command. Read-only.


expression   Required. An expression that returns an OCCommand object.


The OCCommandId, ChartCommandIdEnum, PivotCommandId, and SpreadsheetCommandId constants contain lists of the supported commands for each Web component.



As it applies to the ChSeries object.

This example sets the ScreenTip text of the first series in the first chart in Chartspace1.
Sub SetChartTips()

 ' Set the tiptext for Series1.
 Chartspace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0) _
      .TipText = "<1>:<value>:<2>"

End Sub