Explosion Property

Microsoft Office Web Components Object Model

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Explosion Property


Explosion property as it applies to the ChPoint object.

Returns or sets the explosion value for the specified pie-chart or doughnut-chart slice. The valid range is from 0 through 1000. The explosion value is equal to a percentage of the chart’s radius. Note that setting this property to 100 moves the tips of the slices away from the center of the chart to a distance equal to the chart’s radius. Use this property to highlight a particular pie slice. Read/write Long.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChPoint object.

Explosion property as it applies to the ChSeries object.

Returns or sets the explosion value for the specified pie-chart or doughnut-chart series. The valid range is from 0 through 1000. The explosion value is equal to a percentage of the chart’s radius. Note that setting this property to 100 moves the tips of the slices away from the center of the chart to a distance equal to the chart’s radius. Read/write Long.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChSeries object.


As it applies to the ChPoint object.

This example moves the tips of the third point in the specified series to a distance equal to one-tenth the radius of the chart.

ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Points(2).Explosion = 10

As it applies to the ChSeries object.

This example moves the tips of the pie-chart or doughnut-chart slices in the specified series to a distance equal to one-tenth the radius of the chart.

ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Explosion = 10