SubtotalForeColor Property

Microsoft Office Web Components Object Model

SubtotalForeColor Property


Returns or sets the foreground color for subtotals in the specified field. This property’s setting overrides the TotalForeColor property setting. Read/write Variant.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a PivotField object.


When you set this property, you can use either a Long value representing a red-green-blue color value or a String value naming a valid HTML color value. For example, to set the object color to red, you could use the hexadecimal value &HFF, the decimal value 255, or the string value "red." In Microsoft Visual Basic, you can use the RGB function to create a red-green-blue color value (red is RGB(255,0,0)).

This property always returns the color as a Long value representing a red-green-blue color value.