Include Property

Microsoft Office Web Components Object Model

Include Property


Returns or sets the error bar elements that will be included on the specified chart. The default value is chErrorBarIncludeBoth. Read/write ChartErrorBarIncludeEnum.

ChartErrorBarIncludeEnum can be one of these ChartErrorBarIncludeEnum constants.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChErrorBars object.


This example adds error bars to the specified chart and sets the error bars to display only plus values.

Sub Format_ErrorBars()
    Dim chConstants
    Dim ebErrorBars
    Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants
    ' Add error bars to the first series in the first chart.
    Set ebErrorBars = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).ErrorBarsCollection.Add
    ' Include positive values.
    ebErrorBars.Include = chConstants.chErrorBarIncludePlusValues    
End Sub