ChartFields Property

Microsoft Office Web Components Object Model

ChartFields Property


Returns a ChChartFields object as the collection of fields that have been added to the specified drop zone.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChDropZone object.


This example displays the number of fields that have been added to the series drop zone in Chartspace1.

Sub SetupDropZone()

    Dim dzSeriesDropZone
    Dim ChConstants

    Set chConstants = Chartspace1.Constants

    ' Set a variable to the series drop zone in Chartspace1.
    Set dzSeriesDropZone = ChartSpace1.DropZones(chConstants.chDropZoneSeries)

    ' Display the number of fields that have been added to the
    ' series drop zone.
    MsgBox dzSeriesDropZone.ChartFields.Count

End Sub