Returns or sets a String that represents an entry in the Microsoft Windows registry under the following subkey:
expression.ProfileString(RegistrySection, RegistryKey)
expression Required. An expression that returns a System object.
RegistrySection Required String. A subkey below the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\" subkey in the Windows registry.
RegistryKey Required String. The name of the entry in the subkey specified by szSection. For example, Software or Network in the Registry Editor are subkeys.
The following example returns the value of the subkey, 0 (zero), in the Recently Used URLs entry.
Note To run this example, you must have recently opened a page that exists in one of your Web sites.
Private Sub GetRegRecentlyUsedInfo()
Dim mySecKey As String
Dim myRegKey As String
Dim myProfile As String
mySecKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software"
mySecKey = mySecKey & _
"\Microsoft\FrontPage\Editor\Recently Used URLs"
myRegKey = "0"
myProfile = System.ProfileString(mySecKey, myRegKey)
End Sub