NavigationNodes Collection

A collection of NavigationNode objects within the navigational structure of a Microsoft FrontPage-based Web site. Each NavigationNode object represents a pointer to a page on a Web site. The NavigationNode object is a member of the NavigationNodes collection.
Using the NavigationNodes object
Use the NavigationNode property to return the NavigationNode object for a WebFile object. For more information on returning the collection of child nodes within the navigational structure of a Web site, see the Children property. The following example builds a list of the labels that are associated with each NavigationNode object in the NavigationNodes collection. The procedure exits when it reaches the end of the navigational structure.
Private Sub GetNavigationNode()
Dim myWeb As WebEx
Dim myWebFiles As WebFiles
Dim myWebFile As WebFile
Dim myNavNodeLabel As String
Dim myLabel As String
On Error Resume Next
Set myWeb = ActiveWeb
Set myFiles = myWeb.RootFolder.Files
With myFiles
For Each myFile In myFiles
myLabel = myFile.NavigationNode.Label
If Err <> 0 Then Exit Sub
myNavNodeLabel = myNavNodeLabel & myLabel & vbCRLF
End With
End Sub
Use Children(index), where index is the index number of an item in the collection of child nodes, to return a single NavigationNode object. The following example returns the first NavigationNode object in the collection
Set myNavNodeOne = ActiveWeb.RootNavigationNode.Children(0)
Use the Add method to add a NavigationNode object to the NavigationNodes collection. The following example adds a node to the rightmost position in the current navigational structure.
Private Sub AddNewNavNode()
Dim myWeb As WebEx
Dim myNewNavNode As NavigationNode
Dim myNavChildren As NavigationNodes
Set myWeb = ActiveWeb
Set myNavChildren = _
myNewNavNode = _
myNavChildren.Add("C:\My Webs\Sale.htm", "Sale", fpStructRightmostChild)
End Sub
Note After you finish modifying your navigational structure, you must apply the changes using the ApplyNavigationStructure method before the navigational structure is updated in FrontPage.